Reading Hack Add the name of your library [name of library]
What is Reading Hack? Introduction We’re running Reading Hack in our library authority. Reading Hack is a programme led by young people aged 13 to 24 who do reading activities and volunteering, called hacks, to gain skills and experience. We want to tell you today about Reading Hack in our library. First we’re going to watch a stop-motion animation which will tell us a bit more about what Reading Hack is. Watch the Reading Hack trailer Note for facilitator Click on the image in the slide. This will take you to a new window in your internet browser. Or copy and paste this link into your internet browser:
What is a hack? A hack is “a clever solution to a tricky problem. To hack is to modify or change something in an extraordinary way” [Urban Dictionary definition, 2009]. Examples include Lifehack, Museum Hack and IKEA Hackers which all take something established and remake or redefine it. You redefine reading through your involvement with Reading Hack. Note for facilitator: the definition for a hack appears when you click the mouse/next button. You might be wondering what a hack is? Any ideas? This image taken from Ikea Hackers might give you a clue. A hack is “a clever solution to a tricky problem. To hack is to modify or change something in an extraordinary way” [Urban Dictionary definition, 2009]. Examples include Lifehack, Museum Hack, IKEA Hackers and Culture Hack which all take something established and remake or redefine it. Young people redefine reading through their involvement with Reading Hack. Image from Ikea Hackers:
How does Reading Hack work? Do hacks in your library or school Share your hacks online and get ideas for new hacks How does Reading Hack work for young people taking part? [click to reveal 3 boxes) Do hacks in your library or school. This might involve planning and leading hacks, giving you valuable skills such as teamwork and leadership skills which you can use on your CVs and university applications. Share your hacks online on the new Reading Hack website. You can also get ideas for new hacks. Get skills, badges and prizes and compete with others in the Reading Hack League. ives Get skills, badges, prizes and compete with others in the Reading Hack League
Hack reading by doing an activity with reading at its heart Remix the Internet into poetry Make a Dystopian comic strip Run a Manga Night Inspire a child to love reading Turn a book into a song Create a poetry -themed DJ set Play novel-inspired Minecraft Make a book trailer for a Book Trailer Cinema night Note to facilitator: you can replace these examples with things you are offering in your library. These are animated, and so you will need to click to reveal each hack. These are the hacks we’re running in our library which you can get involved with [click to reveal each one]
Read more. Be more. Get skills for your CVs and university applications Meet new people Make a difference in your community Have fun! Give young people more information about how they can get involved. Let young people know that the website won’t be live until November Find out more at