Outcomes from the AHA Check. Change Outcomes from the AHA Check.Change.Control Hypertension Initiative in San Antonio James R. Langabeer II, PhD1; Larissa DeLuna2; Nora Silva, MPA2; Leah T. Meraz3; Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer, PhD1; Laura Perry Samaniego3 1University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston Texas; 2American Heart Association, San Antonio Texas; 3University Health System, San Antonio Texas INTRODUCTION METHODS RESULTS Hypertension – one of the most important, modifiable cardiovascular risk factor. The largest minority ethnic group (Hispanics/Latinos) often have different health outcomes and behavior, making hypertension management more difficult. AHA’s Check.Change.Control program consists of Fitness and Nutrition Counseling along with Home BP Monitoring 6,725 patients (enrolled)/5,063 (completed) program between July 2016 to December 2017 Intervention consisted of self-engagement in home BP monitoring, fitness and nutritional counseling sessions, and provider coaching and follow-up. Average patient age = 57 years (±11.7); ; 75% Latino/Hispanic 59% female (41% male) 5 mmHg average systolic BP Reduction (4.95% reduction) Net increase in Quality of Life scores (+2.5%) Interventional, Pre-Post design Community-based hypertension initiative focused primarily on Latinos 3 ambulatory clinics provided geographic distribution across San Antonio Texas Patient navigators enrolled hypertensive patients (>130 mmHg) 90 day intervention (multiple readings over time) 1st and Last BP readings in the physician’s office Interim measurements recorded telephonically RESULTS SUMMARY Average Systolic BP Over Times Pre-Post Outcome Changes (Completed Patients) Community-based interventions effective at BP reduction in Latino populations Majority of hypertensive gains in first month of patient enrollment Patient self-engagement important to overall program success Measure Baseline (Pre) Post p-value Systolic BP 137.1 132.0 p<.001 Quality of Life (EQ-5D VAS) .80 .82 REFERENCE Geospatial Analysis of Study Participants (San Antonio) Shah BR, Thomas KL, Elliot-Bynum S, et al (2013). Check it, change it: a community-based intervention to improve blood pressure control. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 6(6): 741-748. CONTACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS James Langabeer, PhD Professor of Informatics and Emergency Medicine University of Texas Health Science Center James.R.Langabeer@uth.tmc.edu We appreciate the generous support of the Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund