Doctoral Student Annual Evaluation and Mentoring Plan Online Process
Instructions for Doctoral Students Step 1 – Initiate Annual Evaluation Form Students must log into with Panther ID and password and click on Student Center. On your “To Do List”, click on the Annual Evaluation – Pending Link and click the Add New Value tab. Please note that you will also receive an email from UGS to your FIU student email account with the link.
Click on Add a New Value and you will see your Annual Student Evaluation and Mentoring Plan:
Once you click the link, you will see your Annual Student Evaluation and Mentoring Plan: 1234567 Doe, John Jane Smith
Step 2 – Review Form Before completing sections 1 and 2, please verify that the dissertation committee listed is accurate. If a dissertation committee has not been approved at UGS, the Graduate Program Director will serve the role of *Major Professor/Committee. *FYI only: If the student has an assigned internal advisor, the GPD might delegate the completion of the form to the assigned advisor. Jane Smith Jane Smith Joe Brown Mary Martin Maria White To confirm that your committee is correct, please check the box. Please make sure to click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the form to save your information. PantherSoft has a security feature that will log you off after a certain amount of time.
Step 3 – Complete Sections 1 and 2
Step 4 – Submit Form to Major Professor/GPD Ensure that information is complete and accurate before clicking the “Submit” button. Important: The form cannot be edited once submitted to the Major Professor (MP) / Graduate Program Director (GPD).
Note: Once submitted, the evaluation will be routed to the Major Professor/GPD who will enter his/her comments and approve or return the document with suggestions and comments. Step 5 – Once form is completed and approved by the Major Professor, the student will receive a notification email. Please print out a copy and make arrangements to meet with all the members of the dissertation committee to have the evaluation reviewed together. You can check the status of your Annual Evaluation form by logging into your “” and clicking on your Annual Evaluation form under your “To Do” section.
Track the progress of the form at the bottom Example of annual student evaluation by all required approvers (Student, Major Professor, Entire Committee, GPD, Academic Dean, and UGS) 1234567
Step 6 - After meeting with the committee, please access the form again via your “To Do” list, confirm the meeting date and click the submit button. The form will then be routed to the dissertation committee members for their approval.
Instructions for Major Professors/Graduate Program Directors Step 1 – Log into PantherSoft to access Form Log into your Campus Solutions and click on Worklist 1234567., Smith, John Click on your Worklist Link to form is here OR through FIU email – Major Professors receive an automated email via the FIU faculty email address with a link to the form Link to form included in email notification
Attention GPDs: For students with no dissertation committee on file, you may delegate the completion of the form to the assigned advisor by clicking on the DELEGATE button. To delegate, enter Panther ID of the individuals OR click on the magnifying glass
Step 2 – Review student’s record and comments 1234567 Doe, John
Step 3 – Enter comments and ratings Note: Please make sure to click on the SAVE button at the bottom of the form to save your information. PantherSoft has a security feature that will log you off after a certain amount of time. If any rating is below “Meets Expectations,” the Major Professor/GPD must complete a Student Performance Improvement Plan in Section 6.
Step 4 – Approve form or Send Back to Student for revision Enter comments here for student if revisions are needed. Form goes to student for his/her sign-off or revisions.
Instructions for Committee members, if applicable After the Major Professor and student sign-off, committee members will receive an email and will be able to access the form through the email link or the Worklist link in PantherSoft.
Instructions for Graduate Program Directors After all committee members sign-off, the Graduate Program Director will receive an email notification and be able to access the form through the email link or the Worklist link in PantherSoft. Important to Note: Clicking on the “Return…” button, will restart the approval process. The information entered won’t be lost as it will be available for edits.
Instructions for Academic Deans After the Graduate Program Director approves, the college Academic Dean will receive an email notification and be able to access the form through the email link or the Worklist link in PantherSoft. Important to Note: Clicking on the “Return…” button, will restart the approval process. The information entered won’t be lost as it will be available for edits.
UGS Approval – Final Stage Once the College Academic Dean approves the form, UGS will receive notification to review and either approve or return the form to the Major Professor for revision. Student and Major Professor will receive an email confirming the final approval from UGS.
Need help? Contact info University Graduate School Via email: Via phone: 305-348-2455 In person: MARC 240 Also: Irene Baquero, Coordinator Ashley Mendez, Coordinator Karla Ortega, Associate Director