of the Roaring Twenties Chapter 20: Politics of the Roaring Twenties
SECTION 1: AMERICANS STRUGGLE WITH POSTWAR ISSUES After the Russian Revolution, the newly formed Communist Party in the United States attracts some members. In what becomes known as the Red Scare, the government hunts down suspected Communists, socialists, and anarchists. Sacco and Vanzetti, two anarchists and Italian immigrants, are executed for a crime they may not have committed. Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan use anticommunism as an excuse to harass ethnic and religious minorities.
Conflict between labor and management erupts after the war. In 1919, workers go on more than 3,000 strikes, but fear of communism turns the public against the strikers. Labor union membership declines in the 1920s largely because of the movement’s association with Communist ideals. Palmer Raids - YouTube
SECTION 2: “NORMALCY” AND ISOLATIONISM Harding vows to return the United States to the simpler days before the Progressive Era reforms. The Harding administration raises taxes on imports and demands that Britain and France pay their war debts. Because the need for unskilled labor decreased after WWI, many Americans want to limit immigration. Congress sets up a quota system limiting immigration.
SECTION 3: THE BUSINESS OF AMERICA The automobile affects American life (80% of world’s cars owned by Americans; 1 in 5 Americans owned cars). The airplane industry takes off. Electricity and electrical conveniences become more widespread. Business relies on advertising to sell products. The installment plan lures many American consumers into buying more goods than they can afford.
The Roaring Life of the 1920s Chapter 21: The Roaring Life of the 1920s The Roaring 20's Part 1 - YouTube
SECTION 1: CHANGING WAYS OF LIFE The growth of cities results in new urban lifestyles that conflict with traditional values. Supporters of prohibition clash with those who ignore the law (s/a organized crime). Fundamentalists believe that the biblical account of creation is true. Many liberal thinkers believe in the scientific theory of evolution. The opposing values clash in the Scopes Monkey Trial, which questions the roles of science and religion in public schools. God v. Darwin: The Scopes Trial - YouTube
SECTION 2: THE TWENTIES WOMAN The flapper represents a new ideal for young women. A double standard requires women to abide by stricter standards of behavior than men. Women assume new roles in the workplace. Technological advances simplify household tasks. Married women remain responsible for housework and child care. Flappers - The Roaring Twenties - YouTube
SECTION 3: POP CULTURE The radio allows Americans to share their experiences. Expanded news coverage and the development of radio give Americans shared experiences. Sports heroes and movie stars inspire Americans. Writers, artists, and composers experiment with news styles (s/a jazz). Much of the decade’s literature expresses a clash of values within society. One Week (1/2) - YouTube
SECTION 4: THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE Tensions resulting from the influx of African Americans in northern cities result in race riots (Summer of 1919 – 25 urban race riots). African-American leaders propose different ways of responding to discrimination and violence (non-violent protests and legislation). African-American writers explore and celebrate their heritage. African-American performers and musicians popularize their culture by appealing to a wide audience Jazz…
Marcus Garvey and the UNIA…