Algebra I B & Algebra I Lab Mrs. Nikki Shields Room 218 Grades: Grades will be based on total points. Tests, quizzes and binders will be worth the most, but homework and in-class activities will still be an important part of your grade. Students will receive the same grade for both of my courses. Daily Required Supplies: Calculator (Not a cell phone!) Paper Pencil 2-3” Binder Opportunities for Help: WIN After-school weekly session (day will vary) Rose-Hulman Homework Hotline Others arranged upon request Class Layout: In general, the Algebra I period will be used to introduce new material and the Algebra I Lab period will be used to reinforce material. Students can expect to have two quizzes each chapter, one about half-way through and the other at the end. There will be a test following the second quiz. Before each test and quiz, there will be at least one review day. There will be a cumulative final exam at the end of each semester. Classroom Expectations: Be prepared. Be respectful. Always try your best. (Note: All school rules apply.) Cell Phones: Cell phones are not to be used during class without specific teacher instruction and NEVER as calculators. Upon arrival to class, you have the option of placing your cell phone in the assigned pocket in the hanging organizer to be retrieved at the end of class or placing it face-down on the corner of your desk. If you choose to keep it at your desk and are seen messing with it, you will be asked to place it in the organizer. Refusal to do so will result in an office referral. Tardiness: In my class, a student is considered tardy if he or she is not in my classroom when the bell rings (unless given permission by myself or another teacher to be elsewhere). Tardies will be dealt with as directed in the student handbook. Most tardies are avoidable if passing periods are used wisely!
I understand the rules and expectations outlined above. No Names: Assignments turned in without a name will not be graded. They will be placed on the “No name” section of the bulletin board to be claimed. If a student believes a paper in the “No name” section is his/hers, he/she must bring it to me to be approved/denied and graded. Absences: As always, attendance is extremely important since absences result in missed opportunities for growth. As a result, attendance will be recorded and make-up work will be issued per the student handbook. If class is missed, it is the responsibility of the individual student to check the “While you were gone” portion of the bulletin board for notes and assignments from the missed day(s). If nothing is there, the student must check with me to find out what they need to do. If a student is absent on the day of a test or quiz, it must be made up within two days of the student’s return unless other arrangements have been made with me. Homework: Students should expect to have homework most nights, though how much will vary based on the particular section and how well class time is used. Homework will be graded as it is discussed in class, then should be placed in the student’s math binder. This will be further explained in class, but students should be prepared to share their work (required for full credit) and answers in class. Daily homework assignments will be recorded on the board in my classroom and on Harmony. Homework points will be recorded at the end of each chapter. Binders: Students will be required to have a single 2-3” binder specifically for my classes. I will provide a space in my classroom where these can be stored. The binders will consist of three parts: notes, vocabulary, and graded assignments. They will be graded at the end of each chapter. Materials in binders may be used on all quizzes, but not on tests. Further details will be discussed in class. Graded Assignments: Each student will have a folder in my classroom where their assignments will be placed once graded. It is the student’s responsibility to check their folder regularly and put the included assignments into their binder neatly. I understand the rules and expectations outlined above. Student: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Parent: ______________________________________ Date:____________________________