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Presentation transcript:

School Counselors: Partners in Student Achievement Recommended handouts to accompany this PowerPoint presentation include: A printout of this presentation in the “handout” format using three slides per page. The articles “Brainstorm” from the Sept./Oct. 2001, issue of the ASCA School Counselor, and the article “The Block to Build On” from the May/June 2002, issue of the ASCA School Counselor. Both articles can be downloaded from the “National Model” link on the home page of ASCA’s website, The National Model can be downloaded from ASCA’s website as well.

Overview The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has collaborated to create a National Model for School Counseling Programs to connect school counseling with current educational reform movements that emphasize student achievement and success. ASCA saw a need to develop a standardized framework for school counseling programs. In the spring of 2001, ASCA gathered the leaders in the field of school counseling in Tucson Arizona to collaborate and create a National Model for School Counseling Programs. Using the National Standards for School Counseling as a foundation, ASCA developed the model after extensive review and synthesis of guidelines from states, districts and individual school sites. The ASCA National Model for School Counseling Programs provides a framework to organize school counseling programs, with the school counselor serving as the program leader. School counselors switch their emphasis from service-centered for some of the students to program-centered for every student.

How we got here… March 2001, ASCA Governing Board passed a motion to develop a National Model June 2001, Summit I met in Tucson, AZ Nov./Dec. 2001, reviewed by school counselors and Summit participants May 2002, Summit II held, in Washington, DC June 2002, Release of ASCA Model at conference READ SLIDE

Rationale By aligning a counseling program with the school’s mission and school improvement plan, professional school counselors: partner as leaders in systemic change ensure equity and access promote academic, career and personal/ social development for every student READ SLIDE

“We need to be the change we want to see happen. We are the leaders we have been waiting for.” – Gandhi Gandhi's words are well taken here – no longer can counselors wait for others to to lead us – WE are the leader WE have been waiting for – it is time for school counselors to demonstrate their effectiveness and to use their skills to become integral partners in the overall programs for student success.

What do school counselors DO? People have wondered…      What do school counselors DO? Throughout history people HAVE wondered…what just is it that school counselors DO? There has not been consensus on this issue.

Historical Problems in School Counseling Programs Lack of legitimization Lack of consistent identity Limited or no involvement in reform movements Variation in roles from state to state and site to site Non-school counselor responsibilities School counseling programs have suffered from a lack of legitimization. If you look a the educational reform documents, “A Nation At Risk” and “Goals 2000,” school counselors were NOT mentioned. School counseling began over 100 years ago. It had its origins in vocational education. Frank Parsons was the Father of guidance. At that time, teachers served in the guidance role. Later came a mental health movement towards a more clinical approach. Carl Rogers promoted non-directive approaches to school counseling. With Sputnik and the National Defense Education Act, counselors were asked to identify students who were talented in math and sciences for college. During the Civil rights movement, school counseling took a social shift. The 1970’s introduced a developmental approach. And finally in the 80’s and 90’s we were dealing with economic and safety issues. As a result, we have lacked a CONSISTENT IDENTITY and our roles have varied from state to state.

Historical Problems in School Counseling Programs Lack of legitimization Lack of consistent identity Limited or no involvement in reform movements Variation in roles from state to state and site to site Non-school counselor responsibilities Historical Problems in School Counseling (notes continued) These historical problems have led to more current problems in school counseling profession, namely the adding on of additional responsibilities, such as: Master schedule duties – Many counselors now perform the function of building the schools master schedule instead of the administrator – when this is clearly and administrative role. Certainly school counselors would want to participle as a consultant and expert in the process, but unfortunately, in many schools they carry the bulk of the responsibility yin this area – therefore diminishing school counseling services for students. Testing coordinators – In a world of increased high stakes testing, more and more school counselors are called on to assist in the preparation for testing, when the appropriate role for a school counselor is to interpret the results of these test and to analyze them in conjunction with multiples measures of students achievement. Detention room coverage – In the absence of a teacher or other certificated staff, school counselors often are called on to cover detention rooms , when their more appropriate role is to work systemically to assist in the prevention education appropriate to deter the students attendance in the detention room Discipline – School counselors are not disciplinarians and do not possess the appropriate credentials for disciplining students. Their appropriate role is to provide counseling for students before and/or after discipline, to determine the causes of students behavior that leads to discipline to provide curriculum school wide for the deterrence of behaviors that lead to discipline, and to collaborate on school leadership teams which work systemically to create policies which promote appropriate behavior on campus. Classroom coverage – Although school counselor are team players and within a school system the understand fair share responsibilities and sometime include the need to assist when emergencies arise and classrooms need coverage. The problem in this area is when school counselors are turned to regularly and first in order to cover classes. This is an inappropriate use of counselors time and skills. Clerical responsibilities The school counseling programs contains many areas in which clerical assistance is necessary to perform functions that are outside of the school counselors’ appropriate job description. Many district employ guidance assistants to provide this service so that school counselors can spend their time in direct service to students.

Varied and Conflicting Approaches Vocational counselors vs. Mental Health counselors Directive vs. Non-directive Individualized services vs. Comprehensive program Pre-service training varies as do administrative expectations School counseling training programs have had conflicting and varied theoretical perspectives, consequently within the field we have programs that conflict and vary. Vocational counselors vs. Academic counselors vs.Mental Health counselors Directive (NDEA approach) vs. Non-directive (Carl Rogers) counseling Individualized services (therapeutic model) vs. Comprehensive program (Educational Model) Counselors trained in programs rooted in psychological and clinical paradigms and others rooted in educational paradigms Pre-service trainings have varied as have administrative expectations.

Attempts to Unify the Profession Gysbers & Henderson’s comprehensive programs Johnson & Johnson's results-based guidance Myrick’s planned developmental guidance Various leaders have emerged in the field who have written program models in an effort to unify the profession Gysbers & Henderson’s comprehensive guidance programs Johnson & Johnson's results-based guidance Myrick’s planned developmental guidance

Historical Problems Have Continued Lack of basic philosophy Poor integration Insufficient student access Inadequate guidance for some students Lack of counselor accountability Failure to utilize other resources Source: From Gatekeeper to Advocate. Transforming the Role of the School Counselor, Hart, P.J. & M. Jacobi (1992) Phyllis Hart and Marilyn Jacobi wrote a book entitled “From Gatekeeper to Advocate: Transforming the Role of the School Counselor” in 1992. This book was shared widely as part of ASCA’s Leadership development training. It also served as a key factor in the Education Trust’s design and development of the Readers Digest DeWitt Wallace Foundation movement to transform the way school counselors are trained. One of the chapters in the book discusses the six problem in school counseling programs. Lack of basic philosophy – few counselors are guided by a well developed philosophy or belief system, one that indeed drives the entire program and the behaviors of the school counselors within the program. As a result, school counselors have tended to work independently and have often been reactive. Poor integration – school counseling remains ancillary rather than a core component of K-12 education. School counselors must connect with other stakeholders in the school system as an integral partner in the total educational program. Insufficient student access – in most schools, counselor-pupil ratios are poor so few students see the school counselors. Some school counselors still provide only individual counseling rather than ensuring every student receives school counseling services through school wide guidance curriculum. Inadequate guidance for some students – particularly poor and minority students are often denied the opportunities for academic rigor which is often afforded to the middle class students. Parents’ ignorance and intimidation of the system only exacerbates this problem. Lack of counselor accountability – school counselors have not been held accountable for student development and academic achievement, and more fundamentally, have not had an understanding of what constitutes accountability. This means more than process data. It means being accountable for results. Failure to utilize other resources – the school counselors alone can not be the whole programs; rather counselors are encouraged to better utilize school and community resources to create networks fro referrals for a variety of needs that are beyond the scope of the school.

When schools fail to clearly define the counselor’s role... School administrators, parents with special interests, teachers or others may feel their agenda ought to be the school counseling program’s priority. The results often lead to confusion and criticisms when they are disappointed. (Carolyn Maddy Bernstein, 1995) READ SLIDE This is our problem. School Counselors can no longer ask the principal on the first day “So, what would you like me to DO?” Instead, school counselors must be trained and educated to inform the administrator of the contributions they plan to make to the students of the school, based on the data they have reviewed, and seek collaboration and direction regarding priorities of these goals.

Trends in Education Education reform movement Accountability Standards-based movement High-stakes testing Achievement gap – equity and access Block grants Emphasis on improving school safety Vouchers Performance, not entitlement You are all aware of the many trends in Education today and these terms above are very familiar to you Education reform movement – all experts tell us that it’s here to stay. It is not a passing fancy, it is not going away, so school counselors MUST be important players. Accountability – everyone in the school system, including the school counseling program, is now held accountable for student results. We all know of schools and districts that are undergoing state review as a result of lack of accountability. Standard-based movement – standards-based education is here to stay as well. High-stakes testing – this is an emotional and highly contested issue in some states, especially where these tests determine diplomas. Achievement gap – equity and access – the work of the Education Trust, ensuring equity and access for all students, particularly lower income and minority students. Retention – promotion is now more performance-based than developmentally based. More block grants – are coming down to the local school sites and stakeholders to decide how these funds are to be spent. School safety – more funds are expended in this areas now than ever before. School sites have a choice in how they will expend these funds through prevention , intervention or apprehension. Vouchers – these are still lurking and are not going away in this administration. Performance, not entitlement – the culture in education has changed from one or entitlement to performance.

Current School Counseling Trends ASCA’s National Standards for School Counseling Programs Transforming School Counseling Initiative (Education Trust – Dewitt Wallace) Increased number of state models Results-based school counseling Legislation for school counseling programs ASCA’s National Model The school counseling profession has moved forward to address these issues. The ASCA National Standards for School Counseling Programs were introduced to align the school counseling program with the academic mission of the school, to legitimize the profession and to assist in defining the role of the school counselor. Transforming School Counseling Initiative (Education Trust – Dewitt Wallace) has had projects in universities nationwide. Its original goal was to transform the pre-service programs for school counselors has been integrated into a new Ed Trust project, the Met Life Foundation training in Advocacy, Leadership and Systemic Change. State models are being developed or updated to incorporate the work of the Ed Trust and the ASCA National Standards, as well as other existing models. Results-based school counseling begins with the end in mind. Many districts have moved to programs designed to produce results. Legislation is passing in many states to both examine the role of the school counselors and to include the ASCA National Standards. The decision to hold a National Summit to create a National Model for School Counseling Programs was a decision ASCA made to bring the leaders in the field together to create One Vision, One Voice. ASCA moved forward to develop the model to address the historical concerns, the current problems and to assist the practicing school counselor in planning for the future of their programs and the profession through one lens – a common lens. The model provides the mechanism with which school counselors and school counseling teams will design, coordinate, implement, manage and evaluate their programs for students success.

“What do counselors do?” The old question was… “What do counselors do?” The new question is… “How are students different because of the school counseling program? The adjustment then is not just providing an answer to “What do counselors do?” but to answering the new and most important question, “How are students different because of what school counselors do?”

From Entitlement… to Performance From a program that: Focuses generally on the number of activities Measures the amount of effort Attends to the process of doing work Works to maintain the existing system To a program that: Focuses on outcomes and improved results Measures impact related to goals Attends to goals, objectives, and outcomes Changes and adapts to be more responsive This means moving from a culture of entitlement to a culture of performance, as mentioned earlier. The National School Boards Association published an article that addressed the need for education to move from a entitlement culture to a performance culture. We have taken this article and instead of reading through the administrators mind, or the school board members lens, or the teachers lens (which many have done) we have revised it to read through the school counselor and the school counseling programs’ lens. For school counseling programs, this means moving from programs that focus on the number of activities we perform to focusing on the outcomes and results of these activities. OK, so you held 10 guidance lessons this week, eight groups and saw 15 individual students… SO WHAT?? Programs that focus on performance indicate the results of these activities. Collecting process data is important so that programs can see what they are doing and for whom, but the outcomes of these programs are what stakeholders want to see; its what funding is based on. Performance cultures focus on adapting and changing as the demographics change, as student needs change, instead of doing what we have always done. Source: McGowen, P. & Miller, J., “Changing the Entitlement Culture,” The American School Board Journal, August 1999, p.43

From Entitlement… to Performance From counselors who: Focus on good intentions Talk about how hard they work Generally feel little need to change their behavior or approach To counselors who: Focus on accomplishments Talk about effectiveness Know their future rests on accomplishments Communicate goals and objective We know that school counselors work very hard, and are very well intentioned, but intentions are not accomplishments. I’d like to share an example. Recently, an ASCA Board member was interviewing a candidate for a school counseling position. One of the questions in the interview was “How will you know if your school counseling program is working? How will you measure results?” The candidates answer was (after a long pause) “Well, I guess, that if I feel good a the end of the day…..Then that’s results.” Certainly we know there are times when we are faced with crisis on our worst day (students death) but that is also our best day because we “feel good” that we were able to assist in time of crisis. Our skill was necessary and utilized. Certainly, these are sad but professionally fulfilling moments. But feeling “good” will not cut it with school boards. They want to know the “so what?” of your program, the effects. Effort may not equal success and when it does not, do we do the same thing again? Or change and revise our programs to improve? School counselors in a performance culture share effectiveness, communicate their goals to others and know that the future of the programs depends on their ability to accomplish their goal of improving academic success or students. Source: McGowen, P. & Miller, J., “Changing the Entitlement Culture,” The American School Board Journal, August 1999, p.43

Implications What is the purpose of the school counseling program? What are the desired outcomes or results? What is being done to achieve results? What evidence is there that the objectives have been met? Is the program making a difference? READ SLIDE

School Counseling Programs Are About RESULTS. How are students different as a result of the school counseling program? The focus then is on …….Results

We Exist To Effect Change In Students: Acquire Improve Knowledge Skills Positive Attitude Attendance Behavior Academic Achievement If we are to effect change, it will be done through helping students to acquire Knowledge Skills and Positive Attitudes In important areas that impact students success in school Attendance Behavior and Academic achievement These are the big three that everyone looks to. These are the areas that effective school counseling programs can and do improve.

Paradigm Shift From: To: Not only monitoring process and measuring services delivered Focusing also on and measuring the results of our programs and services The paradigm shift is therefore one that takes us form monitoring ONLY the process (how may times you hold a group or teach a guidance lesson) and measuring or listing the amount of services counselors provide. To focusing on the RESULTS of these activities and measuring their outcomes so that the data can be used for program improvement. If you hold a group for students with behavior problems, can you show that discipline referrals decrease among students in the group. If you teach lessons on study skills, can you show that student performance improved?

The way we do business must change fundamentally and immediately. The time for change is now… The way we do business must change fundamentally and immediately. We can wait no longer. School counselors all over the nation are being cut out of funding sources. READ SLIDE

ASCA National Model SO this leads up to the ASCA National Model As you view the graphic, you will notice there are four areas FOUNDATION DELIVERY SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACCOUNTABILITY The visual show that the foundation, a program’s core beliefs, philosophy and mission, dictates both how the program is management and how it is delivered. These two components go hand in hand: Delivery system is the ways in which counselors deliver services. The management system ensures that the delivery system is planned, organized, directed and controlled in a systematic fashion for every student. Both the delivery and management lead to the Accountability component. And accountability leads back to the foundation because results of our program lead to program improvement, which begins once again with the foundation.

Foundation Beliefs and Philosophy Mission Domains: Academic Development Career Development Personal/Social Development ASCA National Standards and Competencies Beliefs and Philosophy – The philosophy is a set of principles (usually a set of “we agree” statements) that guide the development, implementation and evaluation of the program. It is important that all personnel involved in managing and implementing the program achieve consensus on each belief or guiding principal contained in the philosophy. Mission – A mission statement describes the purpose of the program and provides the vision of what is desired for every student. A school counseling program mission statement aligns with and is a subset of the school and district’s mission.   Domains – The school counseling program facilitates student development in three broad domains: academic, career, and personal/social development to promote and enhance the learning process. Domains are the extension of the mission and focus on the results students will achieve by the time the students graduate. ASCA National Standards/Competencies – The ASCA National Standards outline competencies that are the foundation for the ASCA School Counseling Program model. Student competencies define the knowledge, attitudes, or skills students should obtain or demonstrate as a result of participating in a school counseling program. They are developed and organized into content areas.

Delivery System School Guidance Curriculum Individual Student Planning Responsive Services System Support Guidance Curriculum – The guidance curriculum component consists of structured developmental lessons designed to assist students in achieving the competencies and is presented systematically through classroom and group activities K-12. The purpose of the guidance curriculum is to provide every student with the knowledge and skills appropriate for the developmental level.   Individual Student Planning– The individual planning component consists of school counselors coordinating ongoing systemic activities designed to assist individual students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans. Responsive Services – The responsive services component consists of activities to meet the immediate need of students. These needs require counseling, consultation, referral, peer mediation or information. Systems Support – Systems support consists of the administration and management activities that establish, maintain and enhance the total counseling program.

Management System Agreements Advisory Council Use of Data Action Plans Monitoring Student Progress Closing the Gap Action Plans Guidance Curriculum Use of Time Calendars Agreements – To ensure effective implementation of the program, school counseling staffs make management decisions regarding the organization/assignment of school counselors and the school counseling office effective implementation of the delivery system and the needs of the department regarding professional development and consultation. These agreements should be negotiated with and approved by designated administrators at the beginning of each school year.   Advisory Council – An advisory council is a group of people appointed to review counseling program results and to make recommendations. Representatives are students, parents, teachers, counselors, administration, and community members. Use of Data – A comprehensive school counseling program is data driven. The use of data to effect change within the school system is integral to ensuring that every student receives the benefits of the school counseling program. School counselors must show that each activity implemented as part of the program was developed from a careful analysis of students’ needs, achievement and/or related data. Student Monitoring - Monitoring students’ progress ensures that each student receives what he or she needs to achieve success in school. Areas to be monitored can include student achievement data, achievement-related data and standards and competency-related data. Collection, analysis, and interpretation of student achievement data may be systemic by district, or specific to school site, grade, class or individual. Closing the Gap - The use of data should drive the program. The needs surface when disaggregated data is analyzed for every student. Data is necessary to determine: Where are we now? Where should we be? and Where are we going to go? Data identifies needs and discrepancies between the desired results and the results currently being achieved. (The Gap) Action Plans – (Guidance Curriculum and Closing the Gap) For every competency and result assumed by counselors, there must be a plan of how the counselor intends to achieve the desired result. Each plan contains (1) the competency addressed, (2) the description of the activity, (3) the data which drives the decision to address the competency (4) time activity is to be completed, (5) who is responsible for delivery, (6) the means of evaluating student success, and (7) the expected results for students. Use of Time –A comprehensive school counseling program recommends that counselors spend 80% of their time in direct service (contact) with students.The National Model provides percentages that serve as a guide to school counselors and administrators when determining the time their program needs to spend in each of the four components of the delivery system. Elementary Middle School High School Guidance Curriculum 35-45% 25-35% 15-25% Individual Planning 5-10% 15-25% 25-35% Responsive Services 30-40% 30-40% 25-35% System Support 10-15% 10-15% 15-20%

Management System Management Agreements Advisory Council Use of Data Monitoring Student Progress Closing the Gap Action Plans Guidance Curriculum Use of Time Calendars Management System notes (continued) Therefore, school counselors need to protect their time; duties need to be limited to program delivery and direct counseling services. Certain non-school counseling program tasks should be eliminated or reassigned, if possible, so that school counselors can focus on the prevention and intervention needs of students. Inappropriate (non-counseling) activities include:        Appropriate counseling responsibilities include:   Registering and scheduling all new students Designing individual student academic program planning Administering cognitive, aptitude, and achievement tests Interpreting cognitive, aptitude, and achievement tests Signing excuses for students who are tardy or absent Counseling students with excessive tardiness or absenteeism Performing disciplinary actions Counseling students who have disciplinary problems Sending students home who are not appropriately dressed Counseling students about appropriate school dress Teaching classes when teachers are absent Collaborating with teachers to present guidance curriculum lessons Computing grade-point averages Analyzing grade-point averages in relationship to achievement Maintaining student records Interpreting student records Supervising study halls Providing teachers with suggestions for better management of study halls Clerical record keeping Ensuring that student records are maintained in accordance with state and federal regulations Assisting with duties in the principal’s office Assisting the school principal with identifying and resolving student issues, needs, and problems Working with one student at a time in a therapeutic, Collaborating with teachers to present proactive, prevention clinical mode based guidance curriculum lessons Preparing IEP’s, SST’s and SARB’s Advocating for students at IEP’s, SST’s, and SARB’s Use of Calendars: Once school counselors determine the amount of time to spend in each area of the delivery system, a master calendar and a weekly calendar are developed and published to ensure that students, parents, teachers, and administrators know what is scheduled. This will assist in planning and will ensure active participation in the program. Annual, monthly and weekly calendars advocate and promote the school counseling programs and ensure planned activities are accomplished.

Accountability Results Reports School Counselor Performance Evaluation Impact Over Time School Counselor Performance Evaluation The Program Audit Results Reports– Results reports, which include process, perception and results data, ensure that programs are carried out, analyzed for effectiveness, and changed and improved as needed. Sharing these reports with stakeholders serves to advocate for the students and the program. Immediate, intermediate and long range results are collected and analyzed for program improvement.   School Counselor Performance Evaluation – The school counselor’s performance evaluation contains basic standards of practice expected of school counselors implementing a school counseling program. These performance standards serve as both a basis for counselor evaluation and as a means for counselor self-evaluation. Program Audit/Evaluation – The program audit provides evidence of the programs alignment with ASCA National Model for School Counseling Programs. The primary purpose for collecting information is to guide future action within the program and to improve future results for students.

Academic Development Guidance Curriculum (HS) Developing Academic 4/6 year Plans Promotion/Retention Criteria Organization, Study and Testing Taking Skills Registration, College and High School Graduation Requirements Post High School Options Transition into the Real World The next few slides are samples taken from a School Board presentation done in Moreno Valley Unified School District in Southern California. This first slide shows a sample of the high school guidance curriculum topics in the academic domain. School Counselors used district wide and school site data and needs assessments to select these topic areas, aligned them with ASCA National Standards, presented them to students, and collected results of their lessons.

Academic Results Goal Setting (K-5) After classroom guidance lessons pre-post tests indicated… student knowledge of goal setting increased from 10% to 98% 90% achieved their identified goal This slide shows how school counselors measured the results of their programs at one elementary school site. School counselors prepared the lessons, gave pre-post tests, and READ SLIDE

Personal/Social Results Conflict Resolution (K-5) Number of students who could peacefully resolve a conflict increased from 55% to 88% Following implementation of a Conflict Manager program the number of suspended students was reduced from 13% in 97/98 to 3% in 01/02. Conflict resolution became a site goal one year at this elementary and as you can see, the number of students who could peacefully resolve a conflict increased from 55% to 88%. Following implementation of a Conflict Manager program, the number of suspended students was reduced from 13% in 97/98 to 3% in 01/02. As statistic that would impress any school board member, reduce administrative time managing discipline and hopefully improve student learning as well.

Academic Results Interventions (6-8) After Academic Counseling Groups: 37% of 6th graders (64) 24% of 7th graders (47) 72% of 8th graders (46) Demonstrated GPA improvement At one middle school site, after identifying students in need of academic assistance through a student data base query, school counselors met with teachers, students, parents and held skill building sessions in the areas of student skills and attitude. As you can see, was quite effective, specifically at 8th grade where 72% of the students demonstrated GPA improvement.

Academic Results Interventions (6-8) Pre: Post: Students on retention list: 6th - 81 7th - 73 8th - 103 Students who came off retention list: 6th - 27 7th - 22 8th - 23 At this school site, school counselors presented guidance lessons of promotion retention criteria. The pre-post test had indicated that only 15% of student understood the promotion retention criteria before the lessons, 100% did following. Additionally, school counselors met individually and in small groups with students who were identified as retention candidates. As this slide indicates, 72 students avoided retention as a results of this intervention. Now, while school counselors can’t take all the credit, they certainly know they were contributing to the academic achievement of students. 72 students avoided retention

Personal/Social Results Conflict Resolution (6-8) At one site the number of students resolving conflicts with the help of peer mediators increased from 0 to 346 At another site, the number who took advantage of peer mediation increased from 47 to 149 Sometimes data indicate that new programs and services are needed. At this school site, a peer mediation program was started and the results are clearly positive: the number of students resolving conflicts with the help of peer mediators increased from 0 to 346. At another site, a lesson on the importance of seeking peer assistance and greater marketing of an existing program led to an increase in the number of students who took advantage of peer mediation, from 47 to 149.

Career Development Canyon Springs High School In the last three years the number of students visiting the career center has increased from 30 to over 200 students per day. Parent attendance at evening guidance events has increased from 150 to 500 parents Scholarship dollars for students increased from $750,000 to $825, 000 Finally, graduation rates have improved from 84 % to 89% One year, one high school focused on improving student use of the career center. A new guidance assistant was hired to help the school counselors with clerical responsibilities related to the career center and with organizing speakers and the details of the evening guidance presentations provided by the school counselors for parents and students. As you can see, it was quite effective. In three years, the number of students visiting the career center increased from 30 to over 200 students per day. Parent attendance at evening guidance events increased from 150 to 500 parents. Scholarship dollars for students increased from $750,000 to $825, 000 and finally, graduation rates improved from 84 % to 89%.

Next Steps ASCA Rollout of National Model at the Miami Conference with a panel of national experts Multiple training sessions held Draft copy available to everyone Comments and suggestions welcomed Final edition available early 2003

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first thousand days, nor in the life of this administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. – John F. Kennedy But let us begin. READ SLIDE Perhaps you are already on the road. You might audit your programs and see where improvements are needed. Others need to start from scratch. ASCA is here to help you in this process. This model will guide you.

Questions? Comments? At this point I would like to entertain any questions or comments you may have regarding the presentation.