Jukka Rakkolainen / ECO Nordic-Baltic Electronic Communications Regulators Workshop Network Neutrality and Consumer Protection Vilnius, 29 August 2012 Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View
Introduction –CEPT, ECC, ECO, WG NaN QoS requirements in Universal Service Directive –Article 22: Quality of Service NaN PT TRIS work on QoS ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View Contents
The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunication Administrations (CEPT) covers the whole Europe with its 48 members –The ECO is the permanent office of CEPT located in Copenhagen The Electronic Communications Committee within in CEPT develops common policies and regulations in electronic communications and related applications for Europe The Working Group Numbering and Networks –develop policies in numbering, naming and addressing, and –advise on technical regulatory matters to encourage innovation and to support fair competition between the different market actors and in the interest of the citizens ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View The CEPT – The ECC
ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View Organization of the ECC Electronic Communications Committee Chairman:T. Ewers (D) Vice-Chairmen:G. Sundal (NOR) S. Himonas (CYP) European Communications Office Director:M. Thomas (G) Deputy Director: B. Espinosa (F) Steering Group WG FM Frequency Management Chairman: S. Pastukh (RUS) Vice-Chairmen: C. Reis (POR) T. Weilacher (D) WG SE Spectrum Engineering Chairman: Vice-Chairmen: A. Kholod (SUI) K. Loew (D) WG CPG Conference Preparatory Group Chairman: E. Fournier (F) Vice-Chairmen: S. Bond (G) A. Kühn (D) WG NaN Numbering and Networks Chairman: J. Vannieuwenhuyse (BEL) Vice-Chairman: S. Gemming (D) IMT-Matters Chairman: D. Chauveau (F) Vice-Chairmen: P. Toivonen (FIN) J. Afonso (POR) ECC PT1
ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View Organization of the WG NaN WG NaN Numbering and Networks Chairman: Jan Vannieuwenhuyse (BEL) Vice-Chairman: Sascha Gemming (D) Future Numbering Issues Chairman: Sascha Gemming (D) PT FNI Technical Regulatory Issues Chairman: Natalija Gelvanovska (LTU) PT TRIS Number Portability Chairman: Johannes Vallesverd (NOR) PT NP Structure of the ECC Electronic Communications Committee European Communications Office Steering Group WG FM Frequency Management WG SE Spectrum Engineering WG CPG Conference Preparatory Group WG NaN Numbering and Networks IMT-Matters ECC PT1
Continuously increasing number of internet service providers (ISPs) Offers to end-users vary not only by price or technology, but also by QoS parameters, e.g. transmission speed, delay, etc So what is wrong? –Each ISP defines and measures QoS parameters in a different way –Values of different ISP are not comparable Therefore it is not possible for end-users to compare different offers and the QoS they are promising ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View What is the Problem within QoS?
EU regulations provide NRAs with tools to overcome problems identified Art 22/1: The NRA shall be able to require that service providers publish comparable, adequate and up-to-date information for end-users on the quality of their services Art 22/2: The NRA may specify the QoS parameters to be measured and the content, form and manner of the information to be published However NRAs are lacking practical experience ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View USD Article 22: Quality of Service
The present PT TRIS study aims to accommodate the NRAs with the practical application of the EUs regulations on QoS This, in turn, will allow the citizens to compare ISPs and make a more objective choice of an internet offer As the advanced choice of the ISP is not only based on the price but also on the performance of the connection, the information about the performance should be comparable ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View How can TRIS help to solve the problem?
The draft PT TRIS reportMonitoring of Quality of Residential Internet Access Service – Pre-selected minimal set of technical parameters and measurement methods. Best Practices aims to tackle the requirements within the USD In order to identify possible discrimination in terms of the QoS it is firstly needed to establish and harmonize system of evaluation of QoS on national and international levels This will also help to stimulate the competition between ISPs not only in terms of price, but also in terms of QoS ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View The Aim of PT TRIS Report
The aim is to study existing standardization, learn from experience from the field (i.e. what some countries already have done) and to formulate best practices and recommendations The Report covers –Problem statement and policy objectives –Definitions of technical QoS parameters and proposed harmonized minimum set of them –Measurement of QoS parameters –Presentation of QoS values to the end-users –Complementary QoS evaluation methods The objective of the work is to make QoS information comparable, adequate and user friendly Planned approval for public consultation in November 2012 ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View The Aim of PT TRIS Report
NaN PT TRIS web-site: Jukka Rakkolainen –European Communications Office ( ECO / Jukka Rakkolainen Quality of Internet Access – a Broader View Thank you for your attention!