nsoyuer@tmsacademy.org soyuermath.weebly.com
What in the world is “math 2”?!?! I get this question very often! My usual answer has to do with algebra 2 and geometry, as these are the classes I had when I was in high school. You can think of math 2 as the beginning of algebra 2 as well as the beginning of geometry. Math 3 will then take most of what we have learned in math 2 and build upon that knowledge. For example, we will study trigonometry to find missing sides and missing angles of right triangles for the purpose of finding real world angles and distances. Then, in math 3, students will study these ratios as actual functions and explore their uses even further.
Topics of Study Unit 1: Quadratic Functions Unit 2: Radical Functions Unit 3: Inverse Variation Unit 4: Transformations Unit 5: Patterns with Lines and Angles Unit 6: Triangle Congruence Unit 7: Right Triangles and Trigonometry Unit 8: Probability
Materials 1.5 to 2 inch binder, pencils, one or two colored pencils/pens and one or two highlighters Calculator –Students are required to have a TI-83 or TI-84 calculator. Students will be required to have this calculator for math 2 NCFE as well as work we will be doing in class. We will be using textbooks, but there are not enough for students to take one home. Therefore, I have already created pearsonrealize.com online account so that students can access the book at home as they feel is necessary. We will also use this website to complete some online homework. I will be providing guided notes for classwork and handouts for most homework assignments. Therefore, students may wish to empty out their notebooks occasionally, perhaps once a quarter, leaving math material acquired so far in the year in a notebook or folder at home.
Grading Policy Minor: 10% Homework will be sent mostly as handouts. Occasional study island/pearsonrealize/ mathxl assignments. Homework and potentially other small assignments. Medium: 30% Quizzes Smaller assessments Could be small projects completed in the classroom There are no retakes. At least four per quarter. Major: 60% Tests Major assessments There are no retakes. Two to three major assessments each quarter.
Homework Policy Students can expect homework after every class, though Mrs.Soyuer may try not to send lengthy HW on the weekends. Late policy: if you do not have your homework on the due date, you have until the next time we meet to turn it in for half credit. After this, the grade will remain a zero. Mrs. Soyuer will put in weekly homework grades into powerschool, meaning the weekly score in powerschool represents the average for the week, not just one assignment. It is unacceptable for a student to go to the teacher at the end of the quarter and ask for missing work and partial credit. You have the next class meeting to turn in late homework only.
Additional Homework Note Please note that homework counts for only 10% of the students’ quarter grades. Therefore, a student may have a 100% for homework because they completed the assignment and made corrections, but receive a much lower quiz score. The quiz scores have more weight and will have much greater effect on the overall grade than the 100% on the homework.
Grade Breakdown Quarter 1: 20% Quarter 2: 20% Quarter 3: 20% Math 2 NCFE: 20% Final exam is the state exam, NOT teacher created final.
Class Website soyuermath.weebly.com When you visit my teacher website, you will find the agenda/homework for each day, helpful resources, test prep, and more. Please explore and get to know this site so that you can use it as necessary. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions/comments/concerns. I will post updates of our classroom and important announcements in the “math II" section.
Conferences – Friday, Sept. 22 If I felt that I needed to speak with you about behavioral or academic concerns, I have already contacted you for a conference. If you have not been invited to a conference with me but would like to schedule one, please send me an email at nsoyuer@tmsacademy.org or use the link http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054aada629a1fb6-quarter. Please also send a few times that would work best for you. I will respond to schedule the conference.
Thanks for your time! -Mrs. Soyuer