Nativity of Mary PTO Meeting Februaury 27, 2018
Parent’s Night out: April 5, 6 or 7th May: The Balance of the year April: Parent’s Night out: April 5, 6 or 7th May: Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11) Holistic Breakfast: Chair needed Year End school celebration or moves back to June as Field Day
Thanks to Sarah Gonnella and Monika Lampe Family Dance Thanks to Sarah Gonnella and Monika Lampe for chairing the family dance and committing to something new all in the spirit of having fun and making memories for the kids! Estimated Cost: $1200.00 New this year: photo booth $350.00, Balloons, $500.00 Estimated Income: $700.00 Net Cost to cover: Estimated $500.00
Proposal to Amend PTO Bylaws The following bylaw changes are being proposed in order to provide clarity over any fundraising done with the specific intent of building a PTO account. The account will be used to support future PTO events and projects with the goal of PTO becoming financially independent and not drawing on school funds. Article 8.) PTO Fundraising and Fund Management Section 1: The PTO may hold events or sales in order to raise money for future projects or events to benefit the community of Nativity of Mary. Proposed events or sales will be presented at a PTO meeting and a majority vote must approve holding any fundraising opportunities. Approved fundraising opportunities will then be presented to Administration and/or SAC for final approval to proceed. Section 2: All costs and profits from any PTO events or sales will be accounted for by the PTO board. All monetary transactions will be conducted through the Nativity of Mary School office, but funds will be designated as part of the PTO Account. Section 3: Any funds being spent out of the PTO account, must be approved by majority of the PTO Executive Board.
Messy Art Night In Two goals for Messy Art night are: To create a social opportunity for families of elementary students to come together as community and enjoy a family activity. To inspire Nativity students to create their own art by trying a variety of artistic mediums and techniques .
Parent’s Night out Parent's Night Out Date: First weekend in April: 5th, 6th or 7th Ideas needed: Pinstripes: Bocce ball and Beer Cow Boy Jack’s David Fong’s Pizza at Fireside Foundry
Teacher Appreciation Chair Needed Week of May 7-11 Christine Thielen: own teacher’s lunch PTO and Sac will own covering each day (TBD who has what day) Theme to be decided upon tonight
Teacher Appreciation Themes Thank you for lifting us UP - All days have to do with UP Sports Theme - You are our All Stars - Outdoor theme - There should be S'More teachers like you! - All camping/nature/outdoor You're Number 1 in our book - Each day would have a book theme Superhero Theme - Real heroes don't wear capes, they teach You set the stage for success - All theater and movie based Golden Ticket to Success: Teachers are ticket to greatness with Wonka themed week with tickets for special things. We Think the World of You - Pick country themes for each day
Year End celebration vs. FiELD day Date: Tuesday June 5th (last day of school) Theme: Will look different depending on which is decided on Attending: K-5 or entire school with 8th grade invited back. Will discuss with Holly Long who is attending PTO meeting; Staff had meeting today and topic was on agenda to decide upon. Things to be ironed out: Co-Chairs needed to help Kate Volunteers to organize and work stations Games and number needed Lunch (will this be handled by class individually or do we grill out) Music, Bouncy Houses and ice cream needed
PTO is partnering with our new volunteer coordinator NEWS TO KNOW PTO is partnering with our new volunteer coordinator Jennifer Milliken to get volunteer forms out in April for the 2018-19 School year. Spread the word: Expectation is that we get them back in may so that the PTO can work to get ahead of the school year and get info to correct chairs/coordinators at beginning of school years
NEXT Meeting is April 10, 7:00-8:00 PTO email: Check out our PTO tab on the website: Meeting agendas Meeting Notes Upcoming Events and Socials Volunteer forms and descriptions All PTO activities and meetings on school calendar