Welcome to Manoa School’s 2017-2018 5th Grade Open House
Meet the Teacher Ms. Christy Watanabe 1st year in 5th grade at Manoa 2 years in 3rd grade at Manoa Went to UH Manoa Roosevelt High School
Parent –Teacher Communication The easiest and fastest way to reach me is at: christy.watanabe@manoaschool.com
Weekly Schedule
Homework Expectations 20 minutes of after-school reading every day and complete reading log Daily practice/Unfinished classwork Beginning Monday, August 21: 60 minutes of iReady lessons every week 30 minutes of reading 30 minutes of math iReady week runs from Monday-Sunday At least ONE Book Recommendation every month August - May Due by the last day of each month
Behavior Expectations Follow Manoa School’s 3 Bs Be safe, Be responsible, Be respectful Comply with your class agreements Earn Café Paws at lunch for ending on “green cup” Earn pebbles for positive behavior and work towards our classroom goal for a reward lunch
Field Trips Hardcopies of field trip permission forms will be sent home and posted on the classroom website Upcoming 1st Quarter field trips in September: Manoa Public Library – 9/1/17 Honolulu Museum of Art - tentative
Supplement: EnVision Math & STEM Units Curriculum: Math Stepping Stones Problem Solving (Math Journals) Supplement: EnVision Math & STEM Units Operations and Algebraic Thinking Writing and interpreting equations; understanding patterns and relationships Number and Operations in Base Ten: Round, compare and multiply decimals
Curriculum: Math Numbers and Operations – Fractions Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions Measurement and Data Convert measurements in a given system, interpret line plots, and calculate volume Geometry Graph points on coordinate planes and classify two-dimensional figures
Curriculum: Language Arts Reading Wonders Write Tools Supplement: Novel studies Vocabulary Use grade-appropriate vocabulary learned through reading and word study Writing The “writing process” includes assignments in narrative, expository, persuasive, research, and descriptive writing Sentence structure, grammar
Curriculum: Language Arts Comprehension & Fluency Understanding text structures, literary elements, and constructing meaning Drawing conclusions and making inferences Communication Discussion and critical listening skills Presentation skills
Curriculum: Social Studies Harcourt’s The United States: Making a New Nation Research Projects & Presentations Cross-curricular American History The Age of Exploration 13 British Colonies of North America The Revolutionary War Early American Government
Project-Based Learning Unit Curriculum: Science Harcourt’s Science Project-Based Learning Unit STEM Units NGSS Standards Earth’s Place in the Universe Earth’s Systems Ecosystems and Food Webs Human Impact on the Environment
What is Grit? Angela Duckworth
Fifth Grade Focus on Grit We want children to perceive challenges as opportunities to learn, not just obstacles to overcome. We focus on: Reframing beliefs about themselves in a positive light. Sticking with problems and tasks for the long run. Viewing failure as an opportunity to learn. Reflecting on mistakes and planning for the next attempt.
Grit Slips Students are expected to turn in homework assignments by the designated due date. If assignments are incomplete, they must fill out a Grit Slip and have it signed by a parent. Grit Slips for homework may be voided by thoroughly completing homework 4 days in a row. Behavior Grit Slips cannot be voided as they are considered “strike 3”.
Phone Enter this number: 81010 Text this message: @manoa517 Email Using your email, send an email to: manoa517@mail.remind.com
Our Room 17 Family Thank you for coming!