4th meeting of the MIG permanent policy sub-group (MIG-P) [PRES2] 4th meeting of the MIG permanent policy sub-group (MIG-P) 28 – 29 June 2016 Item 2: INSPIRE bilateral meetings 2015/2016 Presentation by DG ENV 1
Although full implementation is not until 2021, there are already a number of deadlines that have elapsed under the INSPIRE acquis. Based on assessment of the implementation reports, there are still a number of challenges ahead, and a number of shortcomings concerning application were identified in all Member States. On this basis, a compliance promotion strategy was drawn up by DG ENV in 2015 .
As a second step, bilateral technical meetings were organised. The compliance promotion strategy included the following elements (addressing all MS): As a first step, EU pilot letters were sent to 5 MS who failed to connect their discovery services to the EU geoportal (MT, IT, BG, LT, CY). As a second step, bilateral technical meetings were organised. Meetings with 19 MS were held during the period Sept 2015-April 2016. .
Overview (1)
The objectives of these technical meetings were: To clarify the understanding of the shortcomings in the implementation; To discuss and set priorities; To prepare for a broader discussion on the future collaborative work programme in the MIG. To encourage MS to strengthen coordination with national counterparts in charge of ENV reporting. To invite MS to draw up an action plan (alongside the 2016 report) based on the conclusions of the meeting to close identified implementation gaps and address the priority-setting.
The meetings were also an opportunity to discuss the INSPIRE implementation in a wider policy context, in particular: in the context of the Fitness Check on Environmental Monitoring and Reporting to draw attention to linkages of INSPIRE and the Digital Single Market Strategy (DSM), especially on interoperability and eGovernment aspects
All meetings followed a standard agenda and with a similar meeting document. The conclusions of the meetings including follow up have been agreed and all documents are available on the INSPIRE CIRCABC site.
Main outcomes Now all MS have linked their discovery services to EU Geoportal! All MS acknowledged that there are shortcomings and agreed to prepare action plans (as a complementary tool to the reports) Priority issue to solve is open data and data-sharing between authorities which needs to be improved in many MS. Strategic link of INSPIRE to the Digital Single Market Strategy including eGovernment and Free Flow of Data initiative recognised. New MIG work programme is an opportunity to direct INSPIRE implementation taking account of discussions at bilaterals. Need for stregthened collaboration with reporting communities. Need for exchange of information on EU funding opportunities, in particular with those who were successful in obtaining significant EU funds.
Overview (2)
Trend (3): Number of spatial data sets reported (2011 - 2016) In general 2 groups: MS that show linear growth MS that stagnate Recent trend: More datasets are identified and made available. More info on reporting stats in Agenda item 5.b.1 "Status 2016 Reporting" Source: INSPIRE monitoring dashboard
Trend (4): Number of Network services reported (2011 - 2016) In general MS show a slow, steady growth in the number of network services made available. More info on reporting stats in Agenda item 5.b.1 "Status 2016 Reporting" Source: INSPIRE monitoring dashboard
Next steps Assessment of submitted Action Plans. Assessment of detailed replies of 5 MS from open EU Pilots (on other aspects than Geoportal). Translate results of bilaterals into MIWP. Once the assessment is available (end 2016), it will be discussed in the MIG-P and the Commission will then decide on how to continue its compliance promotion efforts in 2017 and beyond.