Washington initiative for diversity May 23, 2018 K. JOY WILLIAMS DIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE PROGRAMS MANAGER
The power of non-inclusivity
WSBA Research – barriers to inclusion Race/Ethnicity - 36% Gender - 34% Disability - 32% Sexual Orientation - 29%
Professional Barriers and Diversity Groups Diversity groups reported distinctive patterns of barriers experienced in their professional practice: Social barriers, including being excluded, misunderstood, or treated differently by one’s supervisor, colleagues, or clients due to membership in a particular diversity group. Barriers to opportunity, including being given fewer opportunities to work with clients, limited responsibility, or less training due to membership in a particular diversity group. Barriers to advancement, including not receiving a raise or promotion due to membership in a particular diversity group
What would you do?
Bystander to upstander
UPSTANDER I want to intervene but how…? The assumption BYSTANDER To do or not to do… UPSTANDER I want to intervene but how…?
Conflict styles Family of Origin – Dress Rehearsal for Life… Avoiding Giving In Standing your Ground Compromising Collaborating
Interrupting microaggressions https://youtu.be/b0Ti-gkJiXc Jay Smooth, Illdoctrine.com
Interrupting in the moment Ask a question Avoid accusations – invite clarification Arouse dissonance: people don’t like to be inconsistent. E.g., I’m surprised you would say something like that, considering how supportive you are of women in leadership.” Pivot: this is a way of not confronting directly, but letting people know they made a mistake in a socially graceful way. Educate: Sometimes people simply don’t know the negative power behind certain words or phrases. A good first step is to explain why the term or phrase is offensive. Use Humor (when appropriate for the situation or your relationship with a colleague). Echo: Its powerful to the be first voice that interrupts bias.
What would you do? Pairs – 10 minutes
Responding to being interrupted Refrain from defensiveness Resist the urge to explain your intent Choose to listen openly to the impact your words have had on those present Ask what the best course of action is to rectify any relational and professional damage Listen and act on the advice and guidance offered Forgive yourself and move on
institutions What is your FICO score? Foster inclusive and supportive environments. Include staff at all levels in the decision making process Collaborate with groups and organizations who are committed to addressing issues of diversity and inclusion. Offer trainings and opportunities for continuing education and relevant workshops. MACRO Resistance Redact ALL demographic data from hiring materials once the candidate pool has been established Require HR staff to be educated on all types of bias and microaggressions Hire an outside firm to tri-annually review HR processes for best practices at the business implementation level Analyze activities and effectiveness of HR at the operating level Requires anonymous survey of staff for meaningful input and a holistic picture of HR’s reputation within the firm Small group team of Exec level staff to address accountability and change at the HR directorship level Provide staff with data on the perpetuation of bias/stereotype threats and double standards of those who are “othered” Hire and/or promote staff who have demonstrated; a willingness to engage in self reflection, the ability to engage in difficult conversations/conflict management without seeking to retaliate, Executive leadership develop, maintain and refine supervisory/management congruency with stated equity and inclusion values Educate and equip leaders with equitable decision making tools Educate and equip all staff on how to engage in, manage and recover from difficult conversations/conflict Require the use of a multi-lens Equity Tool Kit to operationalize the mitigation of bias in decision making across all aspect of organizational development Develop a clearly articulated non-punitive triangulation policy with a focus on tiered staff involvement