Paper 2.59 COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION OF VOLTAGE DIP PROBLEMS A. Mäkinen, P. Järventausta, P. Verho, Tampere University of Technology, Finland A. Rinta-Opas – Koillis-Satakunnan Sähkö Oy, Finland
Increasing need for PQ management Growing interest of Power Quality short interruptions and voltage dips Open market, but monopoly network business quality requirement/responsibility (EN50160) information needed by regulator New methods for PQ management are needed PQ-meters (e.g. Integrated with kWh meter) and integrated information systems provide basis for advanced and cost effective PQ management
Advanced PQ-management solution PQ Analysis and reporting Web-based applications PQ-meter Customer service support PQ-meter Distribution Management System PQ- Data-base Network Information System PQ-meter Network planning support Portable PQ-meter PQ-meter PQ-meter Network Database
Analyses of voltage dips Dip registrations at primary substations Tests with short circuits Dip analysis as part of network calculations comparison between registrations and calculations tool for network development studies Measures for dip reduction Cumulative distribution of voltage dips and short interruptions in a case study
Web –based viewing of outage data
Conclusions PQ information sources PQ-applications distribution automation PQ-meters (on-line, portable) Outage statistics (provided by DMS) PQ-applications analysis & reporting network planning support (e.g. dip reduction) customer service support statistics for regulator Web-based applications