RIW Verification - Information Access via RIW Card Roles Competencies Status Access Roles Linked to Role Current ATTP TfNSW Operator Expired Card subscription Medical RISI Other safe working roles Inactive Disassociated from company On Site RIW Competency Verification Has Blocks Site Access Safe Working TfNSW
How to verify using the RIW Web App If the card has a QR code press scan and hold the camera over the card Add in your user name & Password. Tick Remember me & press login. Until the line turns from red to green Locate & Tap the RIW APP on your phone If the card does not have a QR code or won’t scan; you can type in the unique ID number on the card or the individuals name and birthday to verify their roles and competencies Persons details and photo will appear. Check they match the person presenting the card You are looking for the TfNSW Operator role to allow the person onsite & any other TfNSW role required All the work roles linked to the individual will be listed here. You need to look at CURRENT Roles. You are looking for TfNSW Operator role Click on work roles to see the details If the number is 0 the individual does Not have all the competencies required to obtain/maintain the role The person cannot access site A card that shows expired here means that the subscription has Expired. If the Work Roles are still valid the individual can come to site. Roles that have been SUSPENDED will not appear on the App If the card says Inactive it means that the individual is no longer associated with the organisation. Check with your site supervisor if they should be on the TfNSW site The screen may show that the worker has been Blocked – A Blocked worker cannot come to site. It is the responsibility of the worker to work with the organisation who imposed the block to have it removed. You can click on “has Blocks “ to find out who applied the block on what date however you will not be able to read any of the reasons for the block – You can give this information to the individual- however they will need to follow it up themselves. Sydney Trains Cannot undo a Block that another organisation has applied If you have issues with accessing the RIW App or RIW information you can call 937 (95200) for assistance. Version. 5. 15-Nov-18