Bell ringer answer on a half sheet of paper We went over the syllabus last class. According to our class policies, write what you think will occur in the following scenarios: Student turns in an assignment later than the due date because they forgot. Student helps another student cheat on an assignment. Student falls asleep in class. Student saw a fight in the hallway and discuss the fight during lecture/note-taking time. Student writes some sexual innuendo in pencil on the desk. Student is talking when the teacher is talking during instruction.
1. What do you do if a fire starts in the lab?
2. You begin to smell a chemical odor that gives you a headache 2. You begin to smell a chemical odor that gives you a headache. What should you do?
3. What should you do if you accidentally knock over a glass container and it breaks on the floor?
4. What do you do if you accidentally spill a large amount of water on the floor?
5. Before beginning certain investigations, why should you first put on protective goggles and clothing?
6. While your partner has her lab goggles off, she gets some liquid from the experiment in her eye. What should you do? At the eye wash station, she would put her head over the sink and push the green operation paddle away from her. Then she would lean her face into the water.
7. You hear the fire alarm while working in the lab. What should you do? What is the correct escape rout for this class? See posted escape route.
8. Why is teamwork important?
9. Where is the fire extinguisher? How do you use it? The fire extinguisher is located to the left of the classroom door. To use it, Pull the Pin at the top of the extinguisher. The pin releases a locking mechanism and will allow you to discharge the extinguisher. Aim at the base of the fire, not the flames. This is important - in order to put out the fire, you must extinguish the fuel. Squeeze the lever slowly. This will release the extinguishing agent in the extinguisher. If the handle is released, the discharge will stop. Sweep from side to side. Using a sweeping motion, move the fire extinguisher back and forth until the fire is completely out.
10. Why should you clean up after every investigation?
11. List 3 things you should do if you sense danger or see an emergency.
Lab Safety Teacher will show brief PowerPoint Outline student instructions/grading Have students write journal entry What to do when finished with lab /how to cut and paste /outcome of project (cut and paste)
Class Rules & Attention Signal
Notes On Lab Safety In the event of an emergency or fire in the lab…Escape Route.. If you sense danger or see an emergency… Why should you wear protective gear… Why is teamwork important…. Why should we clean up after every lab… How do you use a fire blanket? Where is the first aid kit?
Every lab, each person will have a responsibility… Title Accountable For… Group Leader Keeps group moving to the next task; makes sure everyone is doing their job; reads directions out loud for group; makes sure group is on task and together Materials Manager Gathers materials and returns materials Time Keeper Makes sure the group finishes on time
Expectations for Gallery Walk C – 2 (small group voice) H – use notes and your group A – we learn ; we do (Gallery Walk Activity) M – stay with YOUR group P – make sure your assignment is complete
Gallery Walk 3 min per station There will be 5 stations positioned around the room, you are responsible for getting to all of them (*hint* Timekeeper..) At each station, refer to your Flap Sheet for the corresponding question. Read the paragraph at the station (*hint* Group Leader) . Write 2 sentences MAX on the back of the Flap that answers the question Grading: accountable talk / participation (15) following directions (5) appropriate answers (30)
I do…. 2 sentence summary Shopping malls have produced a revolution in United States shopping and living habits in just 45 years. Before 1950, there were no malls, but now almost every city or region has at least one. In fact, shopping malls have become a part of daily life. Many people even think of them as social centers. Shops and services, which were once spread over several city blocks, are now in one place at the mall. Summary: Shopping malls have changed US culture. Malls have made it easier to shop and connect with others.
When all questions have been answered 6 minutes When all questions have been answered Go back to your seat MATERIALS MANAGER collects materials for the group (scissors, glue, color pencils/markers…) Students will lock in the pocket to their bonder.
Exit Slip What is one good thing that happened in your day? What is one bad thing that happened in your day? What is one thing you learned?