USB Project (22nd July) Ian Coulter
Open communication Made a DLL that can tell the USB is attached and will open communication with the ADC board This appears to work as it is able to tell whether or not a USB is connected
Close communication Tried adding another function that would close communication with the ADC Not present in the USB Interface code and so may not be required Will leave for now and come back to if it seems necessary
Send commands Currently adding a function to the DLL that will download the HEX file to the cypress chip The HEX file lets the cypress chip know how to convert the hexadecimal commands input from the computer to binary commands used by the ADC board
Send commands Seems to find the HEX file OK Problem appears to be that it doesn’t know the device is attached Could be an issue with the WinDriver code that I haven’t found yet or could be a problem with the “open USB” command
The future Need to write a function that will input the commands to ADC and give it values for number of readings, selected channels, etc … Also need to take data out of the USB cable and write it to file in some sort of readable form