Essential Question: What events led to the ongoing conflict between Jews & Muslims? HW: Come up with a realistic peace plan for the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
I. Reason for conflict A. Palestinians – Arabs who had lived in the area of Israel for 2000 years forced to move B. Palestinians that remained forced to live in camps to make room for Jews C. Jerusalem is holy land to 3 major faiths D. Jews and Muslims each want to control Jerusalem
II. Effects of creation of Israel A. Palestinians became refugees in other countries throughout the middle east.
Map of Palestinian Refugees According to the map, what was one result of the creation of Israel?
B. Terrorism is a constant threat in Israel
C. Israel Puts up a wall around Palestinian areas to prevent terrorist from moving into Israeli areas
Persuasive Letter Include the following: Introduction: introduce your stance/opinion (5 pts.) Three reasons your opinion is correct (3 pts. EACH) Opposite opinion and why it is incorrect (3 pts.) Conclusion: summary of your main ideas (5 pts.) 3 pts. for grammar, spelling, punctuation. No more than 5 errors in each category. Please write a letter to a federal leader (President, Senator, Representative in the House) regarding what American policy in the Arab-Israeli Conflict should be. Aim: How did the land of Palestine become the nation of Israel and unfold the Arab-Israeli conflict?
Arab-Israeli Conflict Creation of Israel (1947) United Nations decided to partition Palestine between Jews and Palestinians. Jewish state = Israel. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia & Syria declare war on Israel. The Suez Crisis (1956) Egypt gains control of the Suez Canal. Israel (w/ Britain & France) fight for control of the canal. Outside pressure to stop the war. The Six-Day War (1967) Israel strikes Middle Eastern airfields. Arabs backed by the Soviets. 15,000 Arabs dead. Yom Kippur War (1973) Joint Arab attack on Jewish holy day. Creates a truce after a few weeks.