Top Ten Soft Skills Employers Seek In Candidates Lori Hoyer Director of Community Relations
What is a Soft Skill? Soft Skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a “good” employee and compatible to work with.
1. Strong Work Ethic Are you motivated and dedicated to getting the job done, no matter what? Will you be conscientious and do your best? How to develop: Arrive to work at least 15 minutes early Maintain a professional demeanor at all times Put a positive spin on negative comments Take initiative Honor you commitments Do the job right the first time Respect what others bring to the work environment Go the extra mile
2. Positive Attitude Are you optimistic and upbeat? Will you generate good energy and good will? How to develop: Avoid perfectionism Take a helpful approach Focus on the future Choose to be happy
3. Good Communication Skills Are you both verbally articulate and a good listener? Can you make your case and express your needs in a way that builds bridges with colleagues, customers and vendors? How to develop Make direct eye contact Stay in tune with your body language Use an appropriate volume Practice
4. Time Management Abilities Do you know how to prioritize tasks and work on a number of different projects at once? Will you use your time on the job wisely? How to develop: Set goals Write down daily actions Make sure actions are focused, relevant and results oriented Prioritize actions Rethink your goals if your productivity begins to suffer
5. Problem- Solving Skills Are you resourceful and able to creatively solve problems that will arise? Will you take ownership of problems or leave them for someone else? How to develop: Gather all the facts Brainstorm possible options and solutions Consider pros and cons Select the best option Explain your decision to those involved
6. Acting as a Team Player Will you work well in groups and teams? Will you be cooperative and take a leadership role when appropriate? How to develop: Demonstrate reliability Communicate constructively Listen actively Be an active participant Share openly and willingly Cooperate and pitch in to help Exhibit flexibility Commit to the team Work as a problem solver Treat others in a respectful manner
7. Self-Confidence Do you truly believe you can do the job? Will you project a sense of calm and inspire confidence in others? Will you have the courage to ask questions that need to be asked and to feely contribute your ideas? How to develop: Recognize your strengths Don’t fear failure Set attainable goals Allow yourself to be imperfect Review your achievements
8. Ability to Accept and Learn From Criticism Will you be able to handle criticism? Are you coachable and open to learning and growing as a person and as a professional? How to develop? Seek to learn from criticism Respond to the suggestions Value criticism Don’t take it personally Ignore false criticism
9. Flexibility/Adaptability Are you able to adapt to new situations and challenges? Will you embrace change and be open to new ideas? How to develop: Be aware of upcoming changes Stay alert Recognize the stages of change Maintain open communication channels Assess yourself Stay optimistic
10. Working Well Under Pressure Can you handle stress that accompanies deadlines and crises? Will you be able to do your best work and come through in a pinch? How to develop: Plan ahead Remain calm