REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Our Mission We are an strategic organization dedicated to providing expert real estate services that maximizes revenue, improves efficiencies and lowers costs, while providing outstanding customer service to the County of San Bernardino. Insert Map Here Department Overview
REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Our Vision Our vision is: to be the best in our industry at what we do while providing our employees with the support and tools necessary to succeed; to be viewed as a trusted advisor to the County of San Bernardino departments we serve. What we do matters and we will always make a meaningful, positive difference for the people who live and work in San Bernardino County. We will perform our jobs with purpose, passion, conviction and commitment. Insert Map Here Department Overview
REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Insert Map Here Department Overview
REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Insert Map Here Department Overview
REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Acquisitions Assist with identifying your real estate needs and cost estimates related to acquisition as needed to complete your CIP. After approval of a CIP for acquisition, identify suitable property (land, buildings, etc). RESD is qualified to purchase all property types including vacant land, entitled land, commercial buildings (office, retail, industrial), and residential properties Upon identification of the desired real property, RESD commences with the due diligence process including: Appraisal preparation and Appraisal review in accordance with USPAP and standards of the State Department of General Services (DGS) Purchase price negotiation Preliminary title report review Insert Map Here Department Overview
REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Project Management Division (PMD) Staff of 26 made up of 2 Supervising Project Managers, 11 Project Managers, 4 Building Construction Inspectors and 8 Fiscal and support staff. Staff collaborate with County departments, the County Administrative Office, and the Board of Supervisors to develop the scope, schedule and budget for CIP projects. Following approval of the projects, Project Managers (PM’s) are assigned to projects approximately 60 to 90 days after the Board approves the budget. PM’s administer the projects from conceptual design through construction. The duration of projects can vary from 90 to 800 calendar days depending on the type of project and the procurement process used. Insert Map Here Department Overview
REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT PMD (continued) Perform a variety of tasks to complete Capital Improvement Projects, including: Negotiating and managing contracts for design and construction. Preparing bid packages and advertisements for bids Providing inspection and project management services, from conceptual estimate through occupancy. Board Agenda Items for award of construction contracts. PMD is currently managing over 597 projects consisting of approximately $438.9 million in CIP funds. PMD is committed to finding new and innovative ways to provide outstanding value and customer service in the delivery of Capital Improvement Projects. We strive to be a competitive public service organization dedicated to providing quality services, resulting in the delivery of successful projects in a timely and cost effective manner. Insert Map Here Department Overview
PMD – Current Project Overview REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT PMD – Current Project Overview Summary The Real Estate Services Department – Project Management Division capital budget includes 597 (New – 91, Carryover – 506) active projects with total requirements of $438.9 million (excluding Operating Transfers Out and the effect of Reimbursements), including $95.1 million in new projects partially funded with $51.0 million of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The $51.0 million of Discretionary General Funding includes an ongoing base budget of $12.0 million for maintenance and non-major Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, and $39.0 million for construction and major CIP projects. These major projects include the 800 Megahertz Upgrade Project ($8.3 million), the ARMC Parking Structure Project ($19.0 million), Chino Airport Groundwater Remedial Project ($10.0 million), Devore Animal Shelter Repair/Maintenance Project ($1.0 million), and the District Attorney Rancho Courthouse ADA Restroom ($0.7 million). Insert Map Here Department Overview
PMD – Current CIP Projects REAL ESTATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT PMD – Current CIP Projects 323 Court Street Remodel – Public Defender $21,400,000 - Tenant Improvement with Parking Structure Design – Build Procurement 157/175 New Building Construction – Probation $72,240,000 - New 4-Story Building with Site Improvements Construction Manager at Risk Procurement 825 New Building Construction – Public Works – Fleet $33,000,000 – New 2-Story Building with Site Improvements Public Safety Campus – Fire Admin – Valley Dispatch – Fire Hazmat $150,000,000 Campus which will Include a 2-story Fire Administration Building, New Dispatch Center, Fire Household Hazard Waste Warehouse all Associated Site Improvements. Construction Management Services coupled with Design Services Insert Map Here Department Overview