Definition Intentional efforts to promote, impede or direct social, political, economic, or environmental change
Types of Activism Civil Disobedience Craftivism Boycotting Vegetarianism Nonviolence Peace Movement Political Campaigning Protest Striking
Mahatma Gandhi Advocated for Nonviolence throughout the world TIME’s Man of the Year – 1930 So awesome that his birthday is a holiday in India
Allen Ginsberg Political, religious, and gay rights activist Howl and Other Poems led to Ginsberg being put up on obscenity charges So awesome that he had a stamp with his face on it
Mutulu Shakur Civil Rights activist (Black Panther Party) Best known for planning the $1.6 M robbery of an armored truck in New York in which three were killed 2Pac’s stepdad Not so awesome… projected release date: Feb. 10, 2016
Leon Trotsky Political activist / Marxist revolutionary Escaped prison multiple times during his life Assassinated with an ice pick…that’s kind of awesome
Jessica Biel Activist for Clean Water and Animal Rights Actress born in Minnesota She was in Blade: Trinity - that is awesome because the vampires die instead of sparkle