AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER 13 CLASS NOTES Religions, Cultures, and Conflicts
Inter-faith Boundaries (Conflicts)– Boundary lines of 2 major faiths across country (s) Middle East (Israel) (Christian / Muslim / Jewish) Sudan (C v. M) India / Pakistan (Hindu v. Muslim) Yugoslavia (C v. M) Sri Lanka (Buddhists v. Hindu)
Intra-faith Boundaries (Conflicts)– Religious divisions within a single faith, within 1 country / region Iraq (Iran) – Sunni v. Shia Muslims N. Ireland – Catholic minority v. Protestant majority USA – Mormons out West, Baptists in the South, Catholics in NE
Iran – Iraq War (1980-1988)
Religious Fundamentalism A return to the basics of the faith Not Extremism / Radicalism Usually born out of… Frustration / Marginalization break down of society Failures of gov’t / people Incompatibility
Why Fundamentalism Growth? Remember Enclave and Exclave terms Incompatibility with surrounding religion?
Christian Fundamentalism (some issues) Birth-control Abortion Women’s Role Homosexuality Evolution v. Creationism Afterlife
Islamic Fundamentalism Ayatollah – A supreme religious leader (Shia) Jihad – Struggle to live up to Koran standards (inner-spiritual duty) commonly known as “holy war”
Fundamentalism of any type might give rise to: ( + / -) Religious revival (USA Great Awakening) Mission Work Stronger faith among population Govt changes (leaders, party, capital) Population purges State fragmentation (civil war) Acts of violence (terrorism)