2016 File Maker pro training for Summer program hiring April 12, 2016 Office of Temporary Services Laura V. Lough, HR Officer llough@bcps.org
The Hire Date is the date the summer school administrator entered the hiring recommendation. The Office of Temporary Services will not be able to review the recommendation if the Hire Date is not entered on the Hire List page*. The Mailed Date is the date the Office of Temporary Services sent an offer for employment to the candidate via email. Administrators should not remove hiring recommendations from FMP for candidates that have been sent an offer. The Contract Comments HR field is used by the Office of Temporary Services to indicate concerns, required action, and other needed documentation. Administrators should review this field to determine if additional action by the administrator is needed for further consideration of a hiring recommendation. ** Please note that contracts will not be sent out if the recommended applicant does not meet the minimum eligibility requirements. Administrators and supervisors will be emailed in the event that a contract can not be sent for this reason. Important notes OTS will review hiring recommendations daily beginning April 25, 2016 & send out contracts by the close of business everyday.
I: OPENING THE 16_SS EMP HIRE COURSE DATABASE Step 1: Click on the FileMaker Pro software icon on your desktop. Step 2: Click Open an existing file…, Click Ok. The 16_SS Emp Hire Course is a database of positions by summer school type and site which have been authorized to be filled. As additional needs are identified and positions are approved, the Educational Options office, special education office, and the Title l Office will add positions or delete positions to the database. EYL sites should direct questions about approved positions to the Office Educational Options ESY sites should direct similar questions to the special education office and Title l sites to the Title 1 office.
I: OPENING THE 16_SS EMP HIRE COURSE DATABASE Step 3: Click on the Hosts button. Step 4: Click on alt-programs once. Be careful not to double click. Note: If alt-programs is not listed in your “Hosts” pop-up window: 1. Click on Specify Host. Type alt-programs in the “Enter host’s DNS name or IP address” field Check the Permenantly add entry box Select OK.
I: OPENING THE 16_SS EMP HIRE COURSE DATABASE Step 5: Scroll towards the bottom of the “Hosts” pop-up window and click on 16_SS Emp Hire Course.FP5. Step 6: Type in the following password: To WORK in a database, use school2016 This database is secure and contains personal information for our employees. DO NOT share or give this password to staff in your building. To VIEW a database, use sec2016 This password can be given to clerical staff for viewing I: OPENING THE 16_SS EMP HIRE COURSE DATABASE
II: OPENING THE 16_EMP APPS DATABASE STEP 1: Click Employee Application located on the top right corner of the 16_SS Emp Hire Course.fp5 cover page to open the 16_Emp App.FP5 database. II: OPENING THE 16_EMP APPS DATABASE The 16_SS Emp Apps is the database of summer school applicants which have been obtained through the Office of Temporary Services. EYL, ESY and Title l sites should direct questions about applicant qualifications and hiring procedures to the Office of Temporary Services.
III: working with two databases Applications database serves as the directory of available staff. Use this database to find available staff. Emp Hire/Courses database serves as the list of positions to be filled at each location. Use this database to assign staff to jobs & request contracts to be sent from Temporary Services. III: working with two databases Two databases are used with the hiring process. Click the Employee Applications button or Emp Hire Course button to toggle between the two databases located on the top, right corner of each screen.
IV: Identify the positions that need to be filled Step 1: Select your program type Extended Year, ESY Office or EYP-Title l from the 16_SS Emp Hire Course.fmp cover page Step 2: Select your site from the appropriate Hire List. IV: Identify the positions that need to be filled To begin the hiring process, first look at the positions approved to be filled for your site. These are found in the 16_SS Emp Hire Course .fmp database.
Note: The course information of the positions that you need to fill are in the purple areas.
V: how to search for qualified candidates Step 1: Access the applicant database. Follow the steps provided in section II: Opening the 16_Emp Apps Database for further directions. Step 2: Click the appropriate employee type, Teacher Applications 2016 or Support Staff Applications 2016. Once you know the positions that you need to fill, you will want to search for qualified candidates to fill the available assignments.
Step 3: Select find from the drop down options located on the bottom left corner of the database. Step 4: Select the Find button located on the left. Note: Ensure all the fields are blank before entering relevant search criteria to identify qualified candidates for the assignment. Review the hiring guidelines provided by the Office of Temporary Services for additional information on position qualifications. Note: It is suggested that you search & find by home school/office or last name.
To print a list of candidates: Go to “File” on the program ribbon and select “Print.” Before printing, change the “Print Options” from Current record to Records being browsed. Make sure that the page setup is on landscape and click OK to receive a printout of the candidates. Step 5: Go to the Completed by Personnel portion of the application located on the bottom of the application or bottom left corner of each record within the Condensed Staff List. Review the Personnel Groups to determine if the candidate is eligible for employment. Refer to the hiring guidelines provided by the Office of Temporary Services. Confirm the individual has not already been hired by another site. If the person has been selected by another site, the assignment will be listed in red. Step 6: Contact the available qualified candidates to determine his/her interest in the assignment and job fit. Note: After identifying potential candidates, you must confirm the candidates are in the appropriate personnel group and have not already been hired. 1, 2, 3 or NO
VI: enter your hiring recommendation Once you identify a candidate and confirmed his/her interest in the assignment, you will need to submit a hiring recommendation for the Office of Temporary Services to consider. Step 1: Go to the On Line Serial field located on the top right corner of the application or on the top left corner of each record in the condensed staff list to identify the applicant’s serial number Step 2: Highlight and copy the serial number or write down the number. Step 3: Access the course database. Click on the Emp Hire/Course button and go to your individual location database. Step 4: Find the position on your site’s Hire List. Refer to the steps provided in section IV: Identify the Positions That Need to Be Filled for further directions. VI: enter your hiring recommendation
Step 5: Click the Serial Number field highlighted in orange to paste or type the applicant’s serial number. Step 6: Press the tab button on your keyboard to populate the candidate’s personal information in to the position. Step 7: Click on the Recommend field to select “recommend” from the drop-down box. Step 8: Enter the correlating information in the fields located in the orange section WARNING: Information entered is saved automatically and cannot be undone. Note: By inserting the Administrator’s Name, Administrator’s Home School, Administrator’s Email, Position #, Hire Date (date of entry), and In service Training, you are submitting a hiring recommendation to the Office of Temporary Services.
WARNING: Applicants can only be placed in one position. If you copy & paste an applicant serial number into a position in your school and see this warning - 1. STOP. 2. Click on Revert Field. 3. Go back and select another application.
VII: MONITOR YOUR HIRING RECOMMENDATIONS Step 1: Selecting your program type EYLP, Title I or ESY Office from the 16_SS Emp Hire Course .fmp cover page. Refer to section IV: Identify The Positions That Need To Be Filled. Step 2: Select your site from the HR Log. Step 3: Scroll down the page to review the status of your candidates. VII: MONITOR YOUR HIRING RECOMMENDATIONS The Office of Temporary Services will review the hiring recommendations and send offers to all candidates which meet the established criteria for the position being filled. As a part of the hiring process, administrators will need to monitor the status of his/her selections and may need to take additional action. The hiring recommendations can be monitored from the 16_SS Emp Hire Course.fmp database.
The Hire Date is the date the summer school administrator entered the hiring recommendation. The Office of Temporary Services will not be able to review the recommendation if the Hire Date is not entered on the Hire List page. The Mailed Date is the date the Office of Temporary Services sent an offer for employment to the candidate via email. Administrators should not remove hiring recommendations from FMP for candidates that have been sent an offer. The Signed Date is the date the offer was accepted by the candidate via receipt of a signed agreement, scanned and emailed to summerschool@bcps.org. Administrators will need to follow up with candidates that have not submitted his/her signed acceptance of an offer exceeding 72 hours from the Mailed Date. Important notes
The Contract Comments HR field is used by the Office of Temporary Services to indicate concerns, required action, and other needed documentation. Administrators should review this field to determine if additional action by the administrator is needed for further consideration of a hiring recommendation. In the event an administrator is notified by a candidate that he/she is no longer able to accept the offer made by the Office of Temporary Services, the administrator should ask the candidate to provide the notification in writing (email is acceptable) and forward the notification to the Office of Temporary Services at summerschool@bcps.org. Do not remove any candidate from a position that has a Mailed Date in the HR Log. If a candidate needs to be removed from a position and an offer was not sent (the Mailed Date field is blank), administrators have until 3:00 p m daily to remove the candidate from the position by removing all of the candidates information in the blue section of the Hire List and all the hiring recommendation information in the orange section. Important notes The administrator is able to write a note in the Comment field under the History section located to the far right side of the database.