KVJSBJ newsela.com/join My first time here 4th period KVJSBJ Read & take quiz….it will be averaged as part of an assignment score….
Hardness: can scratch another Or how easily it can be scratched
Conductivity: ability to allow heat to pass through it Good conductors of heat are usually good conductors of electricity
Melting/Freezing Point: Temperature a substance changes between a solid & liquid
Boiling/Condensation Point: Temperature a substance changes between liquid and gas Boiling Condensing Point Point
Ability to be dissolved Solubility: Ability to be dissolved
Smell or odor
Density: Ratio of the substance’s mass compared to the volume
Mass is the measure of matter an object has. How can you determine the amount of mass in an object?
Mass stays the same but weight varies depending upon gravity
What are some ways to classify matter?
Alive or non-living Solid, liquid, or gas Natural or synthetic Plant or animal
Exactly the same throughout Pure Substance Exactly the same throughout
Pure Substance Examples: Water H2O Diamond C Salt NaCl
Element * Fixed composition * Only 1 type of atom Gold Tin Diamond Carbon
2 or more elements combined in a fixed proportion (ratio) Compounds 2 or more elements combined in a fixed proportion (ratio)
* Not a fixed composition Mixture: * Properties can vary * Not a fixed composition
*Difficult to separate Homogeneous Mixture *Evenly distributed *Difficult to separate Sand Cake Mix Stainless Steel Iron and Chromium
Heterogeneous Mixture: Hetero = different Genus = kind Different kinds of things