Novel Study: Lit Circles All Quiet on the Western Front/Boy with the Striped Pyjamas/Night/All the Light WE Cannot see
Purpose Empowering you the reader to explore and respond to the book in a thoughtful manner. You will be responsible for preparing information based on the book that you are currently reading and you and your other group members will conduct a minimum 10 min discussion about the novel. You will also have one student record your discussion and send me a copy of your discussion.
Role Discussion Leaders- develop a list of questions you think your group should discuss about the assigned chapters in that section of the book. Try to create questions that will encourage your group to consider many different ideas. Discussion contributors- Your role is to discuss and further the discussion within your group and to provide a few questions you might want to raise in your discussion that you think would further the discussion within your group.
Discussion #1 Topic Characters Discussion #1- Your goal is to fully discuss the characters so far in the novel from the first few chapters. Sample Questions What are your impressions on the characters? What would you have done if you were in the Character’s shoes? How do you relate to the characters? Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.
Lit Groups Group 1- , Maddie, Jose, Carson, Brett C GROUP 2- Andy, Vanessa, Noah, Renee Group 3- Lisa, Kyle, Kristen, Russell Group 4- Brett B, Ryan, Stanley, William Group 5- John, Kiana, Kayla, Frank Group 6- Nick, Musa, Josh, JOey
Lit Circle Journal Response #1 The novel will be divided up into sections and for each section you will have to write a response to a question on Paper. You will need to use the information from your Lit Circle Discussion and the novel to help you answer the question Question In your opinion, was there a time when you ever felt like the character?
Discussion #2 Topic Setting and Conflict Discussion #1- Your goal is to fully discuss the setting and conflict so far in the novel from the next few chapters of either book. Sample Questions How does the background influence the story to date? How does the conflict influence the story so far in either novel? How has the setting or conflict influence the characters? Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.
Lit Circle Journal Response #2 The novel will be divided up into sections and for each section you will have to write a response to a question on Paper. You will need to use the information from your Lit Circle Discussion and the novel to help you answer the question Question Write a sonnet based on the setting or conflict in your novel. The Theme of Sonnet would either be War or the Concentration Camp.
Discussion #3- Debate We are currently reading the novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, and The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas, in class, Remarque’s novel is an anti-war novel while Boyne’s novel is a condemnation of the Holocaust. For this assignment, you will be divided up in two teams and debate the following question. Is War a necessary evil? Use information from the novel as well from other sources to argue for or against the proposed question that you will be debating in class.
Discussion #3 Topic Irony and Symbolism Discussion #3- Your goal is to fully discuss the Irony and symbolism so far in the novel from the next few chapters of either book. Sample Questions How does the background influence the story to date? What symbols are evident in the story so far in either novel? How has irony influence the characters? Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.
Discussion #4 Topic Theme and connections to everyday life Discussion #4- Your goal is to fully discuss the Themes and connections to everyday life in the novel from the next few chapters of either book. Sample Questions What themes were evident throughout the novel? What lessons can we learn from the novel? What does the characterization of the characters reveal about the theme? In your opinion, could the events in the novel happen today or in the future? Use the Bloom’s taxonomy sample question to generate questions for your discussion.