Studying TCP and UDP interactions in WiFi networks Liu Qian Qin Shuo Gao Bo
TCP & UDP TCP ---connection-oriented protocol reliable and correctly UDP---connectionless protocol unsafe and unreliable
experimental procedure Bandwidth measurement UDP and TCP same time UDP and TCP different time UDP and TCP change file size and packets number a number of UDP and TCP flow
TCP view TCP file size with 0.1mb TCP file size with 10mb
TCP view TCP file size with 0.1mb TCP file size with 10mb
UDP view UDP file size with 0.1mb UDP file size with 10mb
UDP view UDP file size with 0.1mb UDP file size with 10 mb
TCP & UDP interaction Bob computer using Inter my WiFi technique Host 1 with ip address 192.168. 16.12 Host 2 with ip address 192.168. 16.14
TCP & UDP interaction UDP & TCP with 10s delay TCP & UDP with 10s delay
TCP & UDP interaction TCP send firstly and UDP with 1ms transaction delay.
TCP & UDP interaction Change the UDP file size to 1mb with Poisson distribution
TCP & UDP interaction UDP send firstly and TCP with 1ms delay.
TCP & UDP interaction UDP firstly and TCP,UDP with delay 1ms UDP firstly and TCP,TCP with delay 1ms
TCP & UDP interaction Change first UDP file size with 1mb
TCP & UDP interaction TCP firstly and TCP,UDP with delay 1ms TCP firstly and 2UDP with delay 1ms
TCP & UDP interaction change the first TCP size to 1mb and change the UDP file size to 0.1mb
TCP & UDP interaction We send 3 UDP & 2TCP but with different file size and different delay.
TCP & UDP interaction