Master EQ Mix/Matrix Touch Pad Encoders Centralogic Pad Channel Selectors
M7CL What Controls What?
Yamaha M7CL B E F G I H C A D Cenralogic Pad Channel Select and On/Off Mix Scene Record and Recall Parametric EQ G I H C A Cenralogic Pad Channel Control D Variety Show Practice and Parent Meeting Sunday January 9, 2011 1:30pm Aldersgate UMC gym (enter office door west side of building) Variety Show Practice and Parent Meeting (enter office door west side of building) Stereo IN Channel Section Master Faders
Yamaha M7CL Channel Section Controls Cue On/off Fader to mix Mix= Aux Sends or Monitors 1-6 EQ Stereo Section Adjusts the onboard effects rack Variety Show Practice and Parent Meeting Sunday January 9, 2011 1:30pm Aldersgate UMC gym (enter office door west side of building) Variety Show Practice and Parent Meeting (enter office door west side of building) Cenralogic Pad Channel Control DCA Control Mix Contol Matrix Control Master Faders
Variety Show Practice and Parent Meeting Sunday January 9, 2011 1:30pm Aldersgate UMC gym (enter office door west side of building) Variety Show Practice and Parent Meeting (enter office door west side of building)
1 TO MIX/TO MATRIX field 2 HA field (input channels only) 3 PATCH field (output channels only) 4 TO ST PAN/BALANCE field 5 DYNAMICS 1 field 6 DYNAMICS 2 field (input channels only) 7 HPF field (input channels only) 8 EQ field 9 EQ graph field 10 INSERT field (INPUT, MIX, MATRIX, STEREO, and MONO channels only) 11 DIRECT OUT field (INPUT channels only 12 RECALL SAFE field 13 FADER field 14 DCA field (input channels only) 15 MUTE field
HeadAmp / Gain PAN High Pass Filter/Low Freq Cut
Dynamics1/Compressor Dynamics2 /GATE EQ
MIX/Monitor Sends Effect sends
Head Amp Phantom power Channel # Choosen EQ Dyn 1 Gate Dyn 2 Compressor
Cue MIX/ Monitor Sends 1-6 Main LRC Meter
Mute Group channel is assigned to DCA Group Channel is assigned to
Effect Rack Inset is assigned to channel Effect Sends
Pan Control Mic is in Stereo mode Mic is in Mono Mode Mic is Left Center Right
Frequency (the scientific name for pitch) Frequencies are sustained and measurable Frequency is measured in Hertz More waves per second equal a higher frequency/pitch
Audio Terminology Decibel: a measurement of sound pressure. 20dB is the threshold of hearing, 120dB is the threshold of pain Hearing loss is the most preventable injury in technical theatre
Audio Terminology Acoustics: The physical characteristics of any space in regard to its reaction to sound. Critical Distance: Where an amplified sound and unamplified sound are the same level. Mic placement should not exceed 1/2 critical distance. Floor: The ambient sound level of a space. Sound reinforcement must raise levels above the “floor” to be heard. Frequency: The scientific name for pitch. Frequencies are sustainable and measurable sound waves. Inverse Square Law: The sound level decreases by 6 dB every time a mics distance from a sound source is doubled. The opposite is true as well, every time the distance is halved, dB levels increase by 6dB Level: Referring to the loudness of a system
Audio Terminology Potential Acoustic Gain: ( PAG:) The maximum output of a sound system. SPL: Sound pressure level