My Role Corporate Sponsorship $100 000 financial goal $25 000 in-kind goal Establish dialogue between DECA Ontario and each of the school boards Issues with International DECA and branding
Regionals 8 000 students 5 regionals 13 of 15 Individual/Principle Oral events 6 of 7 Team Oral events Online testing with results and statistical analysis by school and by board delivered in mid December Growing pains the first year Online testing for Provincials
Provincials 4 500 students 4 500 students $189 triple/quad $129 single/double (includes breakfast) ADC sponsored by Wrigley PSE (formerly TSE) MTDM/MCDM (Marketing Communications) 4 500 students $209 triple/quad $125 single/double (includes breakfast) ADC sponsored by Wrigley PSE (formerly TSE) MTDM / MCDM (Marketing Communications) LDA Lottery changes and allotment Advisor reception Sunday night Universal Music entertainment on Monday night
Internationals 500 students and advisors Holiday Inn, Walt Disney World $1 400 students $1 700 advisors Accommodation, breakfasts, air, ground, registration, insurance, prom, DECA gift, Universal Studios Friday, April 29 to Thursday, May 5, 2011 Top 5 go on to Internationals in Oral events Top 4 in Written Events Each increase of 50 members we get additional competitive spot
Where do we go from here? Online testing Challenges at your school/administration/board Pie in the sky wish