Data Migration to DOORS DNG Presented By Adam Hammett (ahammett@htii Data Migration to DOORS DNG Presented By Adam Hammett ( & Andrew Ridenour ( 11/15/2018
Overview Introduction .CSV Video Walkthrough of CSV .ReqIF Video Walkthrough of ReqIF Questions Adam 11/15/2018
Introduction Data formats .CSV (Comma Separated Values) ReqIF (Requirements Interchange Format) A type of XML file Adam 11/15/2018
.CSV – What is it? Simple and transparent data format Microsoft Excel Raw .CSV Format Identifier,Artifact Type,PrimaryText,parentBinding,module,isHeading 1,Module,CSV Module 1,, 2,Requirement,Main,,1,TRUE, 3,Requirement,Second Tier 1,2,1,, Etc… Andrew 11/15/2018
.CSV – Rules For a CSV file to be imported successfully into DNG, the content must adhere to these rules: Rows Each row in the CSV file must contain the same number of cells (i.e., same number of commas per line) Header row The first row must contain column headers. These headers must not contain escaped characters or apostrophes. The following table contains the requirements for the columns of the first row. You can have as many columns as needed to correspond to the fields in an artifact type. The artifact type that the columns map to is determined by the entry in the Type column of each content row. Source: IBM Andrew 11/15/2018
.CSV – When to use it For one-time creation of new modules and artifacts in Jazz DNG using a simple interface Andrew 11/15/2018
.CSV – Limitations Only allows for basic text (text and numeric) input No attachments, images, URL’s, text formatting*, etc Cannot be used to update DNG artifacts Cannot be used to import links to and from other artifacts Poor scalability *DNG can use the isHeading column to format text as a Heading. Andrew 11/15/2018
Andrew CSV Import 11/15/2018
ReqIF– What is it? Requirements Interchange Format Robust and versatile data format made available by the Object Management Group A Form of XML Image from Object Management Group ( Adam 11/15/2018
ReqIF– When to use it For large scale migration of an established database (e.g. Rational DOORS) For collection and integration of change sets to and from other databases (Interchange) Adam 11/15/2018
ReqIF – What can be Imported You can import several types of data from a ReqIF file: Textual artifacts Graphical artifacts Attribute definitions Attribute definitions from link types Data types Folder and folder hierarchy Links Link types Modules Object types Collections View column information, which can be imported in the first import only The following types of data cannot be imported: Tags View filtering information Comments Reviews Audit history Source: IBM Adam 11/15/2018
ReqIF– Limitations Not functionally transparent or user-friendly Requires careful pre-tailoring of source database before export Complicates Artifact Type, Attribute, and Attribute Type definitions in DNG Adam 11/15/2018
ReqIF– Process Summary In Rational DOORS Configure URI’s for Attributes and Types E.g. E.g. Use Files Mappings for automated assignment attribute URI’s Define ReqIF Package Select Modules (Views and Data) and Link Modules to be included Export ReqIF Package In DOORS Next Generation Artifacts Dropdown Import Artifacts… Import Requirements from a ReqIF File Once complete, refresh the module view to see the imported modules. Adam 11/15/2018
Questions? 11/15/2018