Chapter 9 Surface Water Runoff- water flowing downslope on Earth’s surface. Factors: Vegetation- ↓ runoff due to pore space & slows down precipitation Rate of precipitation- vs. rate of infiltration Soil Composition- organic (humus) = porous coarse particles = porous fine (clay) = less porous Slope- ↑ slope = ↑ runoff (infilt. needs time)
Tributary- flow into streams. Watershed (drainage basin)- all land area that drains into a stream system. Divide- high land which separates watersheds.
Stream Load- all the material that water in a stream carries. 3 ways a stream carries a load: Solution- dissolved in water. (minerals), parts per million (ppm) Suspension- particles small enough to be held up by the moving water. A suspended load varies by volume & velocity of stream. Bed load- sediment too large to be held up by water. Pushed & rolled on bottom. => sediment abrasion => rounded/polished sed.
Carrying capacity- ability to transport material Carrying capacity- ability to transport material. Depends on velocity & volume. Discharge- volume of water that flows over 1 location for a period of time. (discharge = width x depth x velocity) ↑discharge = ↑ carrying capacity Flood- too much water Floodplain- area beyond the banks.