Mrs. Kubajak’s Classroom 2017-2018 Mrs. Kubajak’s Classroom
Welcome! Mrs. Kubajak or Mrs. K Room 808. I am glad you are here! I am excited to work with you!
Where do I sit? We are going to sit in alphabetical order until I learn your names and then I will allow you to choose your seats. When you come into class, Find your seat. Sit in it. Begin working on bell ringer
What’s a bell ringer? This is what you will be working on at the beginning of each class. Today’s bell ringer: What is one science-related memory you have from summer break? What do you think when you hear anatomy and physiology?
What are the expectations? CONNECTED: Students will sign up for remind to get updates. Students will check class website for assignments. RESPONSIBLE: Students will keep track of grades in IC. ENGAGED: Students actively participate in class. Students use technology for classroom activities only. EXCEPTIONAL: Students are making real world connections to content. Students turn in completed work on time. KIND: Students clean up by throwing away trash and returning borrowed materials. Students respect each other and the teacher.
What will I be doing this year? You will be learning about anatomy and physiology! Anatomy is the study of the structures of living things Physiology is the study of the function of those structures
Structures of living things
Functions of structures of living things
Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and physiology are important concepts in biology and medicine. This course will prepare you for future endeavors in science as well as the applied health fields. You will also learn scientific techniques, critical thinking, and analysis skills.
Daily Classroom Procedures We need to work as a team in order to cover the material and to help you learn as much as you can about science. In order to do so, there are established classroom procedures which are to be followed every day to facilitate a positive learning environment. Agenda is established to help you know what is expected of you each day.
Beginning Class Each day will begin with a bellringer Agenda and learning target posted on board Expected to be in your seat quietly when tardy bell rings Tardiness per school policy
Daily Activities Students are expected to fully participate in daily activities When working in groups, all students will be held accountable and may be asked to recap the group’s work
Speaking in Class Raise your hand when you would like to speak until you are called upon Be respectful of others while they are talking
Late Work Assignments are due on the due date Late work will be accepted up until the end of the unit for 90% credit. All formative assignments can be corrected to earn back full points
Make-Up Work Make-up work is available in the boxes, (and many online) when you miss class If you have questions about a missed class, ask after class please! Work that is not made up will result in a “0” Make up work should be turned into the make-up work basket
Finish Work Early If you finish your work early, you may: Begin science homework/reading Work on articles Work on extra credit Access science news Read National Geographic, etc.
Turning in Papers Papers will be turned in to basket at front of room Exit slips will be turned in upon exiting the room in the same basket Don’t forget to write your NAME!
Restroom Breaks If you need to go to the restroom / get a drink, please raise your hand and ask. Please ask when I am not speaking 10:10 rule applies school wide
Class Dismissal I dismiss class. Please remain seated until given permission to leave
Technology Personal technology needs to be parked in the cell phone parking space during class time When I say it is okay, personal technology may be used for assignments
Special Procedures Library passes, announcements, lab safety, substitute teachers, etc. will be handled upon a need to know basis
Mrs. Kubajak a little about me
My Boys
A few fun facts about Mrs. K! Went to UK for undergrad and Masters I went to Tates Creek for high school too! Favorite color is purple (if you hadn’t noticed ) I am an assistant coach for the girl’s soccer team Obsessed with Friends the tv show
My expectations for you I think that everyone in here can excel in anatomy and physiology if given the opportunity. I challenge every one of you to do your best and I really think that you can exceed your expectations for yourself. I look forward to working with you and the coming school year!
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know! Email address:
Exit Slip – Day One Get to know each other activity!