Congress Article #1: Legislative Branch Make Laws and Tax Name of the Branch Job: Make Laws and Tax Lower House Upper House Senate- (Senators) House of Representatives- (Representative) Capitol Building Number of Members Number of Members 435 members based on population 100 Members 2 per state Vice President(only votes for a tie )/Senate majority leader- Congress Speaker of the House Leader: Leader: Qualifications: Qualifications: Citizen for 9 years 30 years old Live in your state Term Length: Serve for 6 years Citizen for 7 years 25 years old Live in your state Term Length: Serve for 2 years Duties: Duties: -Approve Treaties -Approve Appointments Serve as the jury for impeachment trial -Make laws -Start tax law Charge people with crime (impeach) -Make laws
Article 2: Executive Branch Name of the Branch Article 2: Executive Branch Enforces/Carries out the laws Example: CIA, FBI, Secret Service Job: Qualifications Duties -Leader of the Country (Face of the Nation) -Commander of the military -Write treaties -Appoints judges, ambassadors and officials -Natural Born Citizen -35 years old -Live in the US for 14 years Term Length: 4 years (Max of 2 terms or 10 years) President/Barack Obama Leader Vice President/Joe Biden Second in Command Order of Succession: 1. President 2. VP 3. Speaker of House 4. Pro Temp Senate 5. The Cabinet in order or creation Duties -President of the Senate -Second in Command Advisors 1. State 2. Treasury 3. Defense (WAR) 4. Justice (Attorney General) 5. Interior 6. Agriculture 7. Commerce 8. Labor 9. Health 10. Housing and Urban Development 11. Transportation 12. Energy 13. Education 14. Veterans Affairs 15. Homeland Security
2 1 Article 3: Judicial Branch Supreme Court Chief Justice (1) Name of the Branch Article 3: Judicial Branch Job: Interpret the Law, Judge the Fairness of law based on the Constitution Qualifications Supreme Court -Appointed by the President -Approved by the Senate Serve for LIFE unless you step down or are impeached and convicted Chief Justice (1) Justices (8) Circuit Court of Appeals (12) 2 Define Appeal: 1 District Court (94) Request a formal change to an official decision
2 1 Article 3: Judicial Branch Chief Justice/John Roberts Name of the Branch Article 3: Judicial Branch Job: Interpret the Law, Judge the Fairness of law based on the Constitution Duties Position/Name Supreme Court Chief Justice/John Roberts -Appointed by the President -Approved by the Senate Serve for LIFE unless you step down or are impeached and convicted Anotonin Scalia Job Title: Associate Justices Put names in boxes Stephen Breyer Anthony Kennedy Samuel Alito Clarence Thomas Sonia Sotomayor Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elena Kagan Federal Appellate Court (What circuit are we in and where is the court located?) Fifth circuit/New Orleans, LA 2 Define Appeal: 1 Request a formal change to an official decision Federal District Court (What district and division are we in?) Southern District/Houston Division
How to Make a Law