Ad hoc task GW and CC Overall objective (WGC mandate) To make a WGC contribution to horizontal issues, specifically on Climate Change effects on groundwater expected pressures and impacts consideration in POMs (make them climate resilient) input to CIS Expert Group on Climate Change and Water. Activity on an ad-hoc basis need a previous approval by the Water Directors and discussions with other WGs where needed.
Ad hoc task GW and CC (2) Pressures on groundwater systems tend to increase, Primary effects of climate change associated human induced changes of surface and subsurface water management (= secondary effects) Secondary impacts of are expected to have the largest short-term effects on groundwater resources. Examples of secondary impacts: increase of water demands for human consumption increased abstraction of groundwater for irrigation higher evapotranspiration -> falling water tables + salt water intrusion
Ad hoc task GW and CC (3) The second and third River Basin Management Plans for the WFD and GWD are supposed to be fully climate-resilient by 2015 Comparatively little research related to groundwater while it represents a major part of the exploited water resources in Europe. Groundwater mentioned only briefly in Guidance Document No. 24 EG on CC and Water identified the need for further action on groundwater. Need for policy-science interface on groundwater and climate change issues -> support the implementation activities for the 2nd RBMP period CIS Expert Group on Climate Change and Water First WGC comments to this guidance are available
Ad hoc task GW and CC (4): an example of primary impacts (Belgium) 1. HAD_P_H 2. ARPEGE_H 3. HIRHAM_E 4. RCAO_H 5. HIRHAM_H 6. RCAO_E Expected water levels at the 9 observation wells Goderniaux et al. 2009 (FP6 Aquaterra) Precipitation change (relative) dryer summer no change Temperature difference (°C) wetter winter no change
Structure of the activity One or two workshops (2011, 2012) Interaction with CIS Expert Group on Climate Change and Water Bridge between science and policy Presentations of scientific results (e.g. Genesis, WATCH, Aquaterra) Presentations on policy requirements by MS Presentations on best practices in RBMP’s by MS Recommendations for RBMP’s Programme of measures Monitoring Protected areas