People Centered Restoration AFR100 Annual Conference Niamey, September 28, 2017 Soumana Sadou World Vision Niger
Environmental Restoration CONTEXT Population of 19.8 million (est) is growing at 3.9 percent (UNDP, 2015) Leads to ever-increasing pressure on the natural resources Consequently, the degradation of environment Low GDP (USD 6303.5 million in 2015 (INS) i.e. USD 413 /capita Agriculture sector providing 80% of income of population Very dependent on climatic conditions. Food insecurity regularly affects over 1 million people annually in Niger Due to recurrent shocks, Increases households’ vulnerability and weakens resilience (FAO, 2017) For small-scale producers facing food insecurity, poverty, land and water resources degradation Agriculture has to meet challenge of achieving food security At the same time, must respond to demands of climate adversities People centered environmental restoration of degraded land is crucial to ensure resilience of agricultural sector
Strategic Objectives Strategic objective EFFORTS TO COPE WITH THE CURRENT TRENDS Strategic objective All children live in households which are food secure and resilient to shocks sub objective : All children live in households which have agro-sylvo-pastoral production improved All children live in communities which have adopted climate appropriate and environmental friendly practices All children live in households which have improved incomes ALIGNMENT WITH GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES STRATEGIC AXES 1: “increase and diversification of agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries production’’ STRATEGIC AXES 3: “improving the resilience of vulnerable groups to climate change, food crises and natural disasters’’
2013 -2017 Achievements and Impact 267 FMNR village committees set up 11,472 farmers with 4,359 being women across 417 villages in Maradi, Tahoua, Tillaberay and Zinder regions 17,587.39 ha of farmland covered with the practice of FMNR Maimouna from Bouloum applying FMNR, July 2016
Example of Impact 58% increase in millet crop production on farms under FMNR 250% increase in trees/shrub density on FMNR sites Average tree density increased from 35.47/ha (2014) to 123/ha (2017) Millet on FMNR site Rafin Wada September, 2017 FMNR site Tambara-Sofoua June, 2017 Source: LAHIA FMNR Activities: Evaluation Report, July 2017
FMNR AS SPRINGBOARD TO DIVERSIFICATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FMNR Economic Impact FMNR AS SPRINGBOARD TO DIVERSIFICATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Top grafting Ziziphus (local sp) with improved cultivars of Sahel Apple Introduction of honey production on FMNR sites Planting of acacia Australian and moringa stenopetala species (cf. success from Souweba
WORLD VISION’S PEOPLE CENTERED APPROACH Scaling FMNR: Best practices WORLD VISION’S PEOPLE CENTERED APPROACH Sensitization to create an awareness; Set up village FMNR committees, training and link to government technical services Set up FMNR demonstration plots Integration of food security or income generating activities with FMNR Involvement of the local actors Monitoring and evaluation of the FMNR activities Gender mainstreaming 1 2 FMNR certification ceremony Guidan-Sori 17th August 2017 3 4 5 6 FMNR demo-site Roura Jun, 2015 7
Perspectives World Vision Niger has always aligned its interventions with the strategy defined by the Nigerien Government FMNR aligns with strategic Axes 1 and 3 of 3N initiative which respectively advocate for an ‘’increase and diversification of agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries production’’ and ‘’improving the resilience of vulnerable groups to climate change, food crises and natural disasters’’ World Vision Niger, in its 2016-2021 strategy, a period that corresponds to that defined by the I3N to make zero hunger a reality in Niger, aspires to see all children living in households which are shielded from hunger and resilient to shocks; which aligns with Axis VI of the Renaissance II Program: "Rural Development and Food Security“ To achieve this, WVN has placed particular emphasis on improving agro sylvo pastoral production, promoting climate and environmentally friendly farming practices and household economic development FMNR is one of the key interventions that World Vision is implementing Over the next four years, World Vision in partnership with CARE and ICRAF will be implementing a project named Evergreen Agriculture funded by the European Commission The project targets 40, 000 households over 90, 000 hectares in Oullam, Simiri and Tillabery Furthermore, World Vision plans to scale up and intensify FMNR practice through its intervention areas in Maradi, Zinder, Tahoua and Tillabery regions