Magic Realism It’s really magical!
Magic Realism Defined A literary genre or style associated with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction. ~The Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Origins of Magic Realism Post-Expressionistic period beginning in Germany after WWI Floundered as Germany struggled to rebuild Moved to Latin America where it flourished and was influenced by Catholicism It is considered the precursor to Surrealism
Some Famous Authors Jorges Luis Borges Julio Cortazar Gabriel Garcia Marquez Luisa Valenzuela
Characteristics of Magic Realism Contains magic that cannot be explained by natural law Depicts common, ordinary settings and everyday occurrences Time period may be elusive Two versions of reality exist Both realities merge or intersect Vivid detail
Magic Realism appears in : Literature Visual Art Film
Identify Magic Realism in: Christina’s World ~Andrew Wyeth
And also in... Pushing Daisies: Episode 1 Scene 1