1 SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 1 Assessing Privacy Risks of Flash Cookies Kevin Fuller and Stacy Jordan February 2011 Joint Written Project
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 2 Objective Provide an overview of http and flash cookies Describe the problem with storing flash cookies Provide tools that will detect, manage and analyze flash cookies
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 3 What are Cookies? Cookies! Cookies everywhere! What are cookies? Text file of information Tells website you are you (HTTP cookie) Keeps you logged into your website Your Internet ID card
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 4 So Whats The Problem? Cookies can store a lot of information –Name, address phone number –Websites visited, Webpages viewed –Account logon IDs, passwords –On and On and….. All happening without the users knowledge or permission
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 5 The Cookie Cold War Advertisers and e-tailers –Targeted advertising –Gather your info and sell it to customers Privacy and Internet Security Advocates –Features to block and delete cookies –Software to manage cookies –Laws and rules to aid Internet users
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 6 The Advertisers' Response? Flash Cookies!! They hold more information ( 100k+ vs 4k ) They can have no expiration date They cannot be handled by existing cookie management technologies Re-Spawning!! They can do more to control your computer Trojan-like behavior
Flash Cookie Super Cookie –Component of Adobe Flash Player Local Storage Object Three Types –Master Cookie –Settings Cookie –Content Cookie Stored in a different location SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 7
How Much Information? Common Information Like: Name, UserID, websites accessed, general location and purchases More Personal Information Like: Home address, sexual preference, health conditions, financial information Settings Information Like: Allowing other domains access to cookie Allowing third party access to cookie Camera settings Audio and video settings SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 8
Risk and Response Risk –Privacy –Trojan? –Malicious Response –Legal Pressure –New Rules –Industry Self Regulation? SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 9
Private Browsing Mode Internet Explorer –In-Private Browsing Safari –Private browsing Google –Incognito Firefox –Private browsing –New Rules SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 10
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 11 How to Find Flash Cookies The use of DIR command with command line switches can find flash cookies
Simple Detection and Deletion Flash Cookies Cleaner Flash Cookie Cleaner SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 12
Managing Flash Cookies Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 13 Maxa Cookie Manager CCleaner
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 14 Analyze Flash Cookies Edit Plus: can convert flash cookie data into hexadecimal(HEX) format SOLCAT: Perl tool created by Kristinn Guidjonsson to parse flash cookie created in Action Message Format 0 (AMF0) Galleta: forensic tool created by Keith Jones that will recreate Internet History
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 15 Analysis of In-Private Browsing Session Tools used for analysis –CCleaner –NetAnalysis Results of Analysis –No flash cookies were saved –Other files were saved that could be used to trace Internet activity
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 16 Browser Plugins Mozilla Firefox –Better Privacy –Tracker Scan Google Chrome –Click and Clean
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 17 The (Near) Future NPAPI ClearSiteData –Integrated flash cookie deletion –Google and Firefox Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager –Integrate it into client Flash Player Internet Explorer 9 –Tracking Opt Out feature
SANS Technology Institute - Candidate for Master of Science Degree 18 Summary Cookies provide a treasure trove of information concerning Internet browsing habits As a result, companies that collect information need to protect the data Variety of tools are available to detect, manage and analyze flash cookies In the future, browsers will have new features to better protect from tracking