Softball New Zealand Umpires Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021 The Softball New Zealand Umpires are the national convenor of officiating softball in New Zealand. We work with Softball New Zealand and the World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) – Softball Division in the development of the sport by delivering quality and professional umpiring to the softball community. We are a diverse group with over 200 active voluntary members officiating the sport at local, regional, national and international levels. Our strategic plan is built upon delivering quality umpiring beyond the expected standard, growth of our umpiring family and striving for operational excellence in our management systems. We are very excited about our future and the challenges that lay ahead as we look to build upon the umpiring successes of the past and share those experiences with the softball community to increase their knowledge of the game. ‘E hara taku toa I te toa taki tahi, taku toa, he toa taki tini’ ‘My strength is not that of one person, but the strength of many’
Softball New Zealand Umpires – Strategic Plan 2016 - 2021 OUR VISION: The softball community experiences quality umpiring and the enjoyment it creates OUR VALUES: Passion – encompassing excellence, enthusiasm, persistence and dedication Honesty – implicit to gain trust and portray fairness Courage – having presence, calmness in how we behave and leadership in game management Quality – achieved through consistency, teamwork and continuous improvement Enjoyment – for the umpires, players, team management and spectators Respect – for each other, players and the rules OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To lead & deliver quality & professional umpiring providing enjoyment & support to all those involved. Strategic Outcomes Pathways Recruitment & retention Training & Development Operational Excellence There is a progressive pathway that enables consistency and quality in delivery. Umpires deliver officiating requirements at a local, regional, national and international level. Umpires increase their knowledge and experience and deliver beyond the expected standard. Appropriate management systems enables the organisation to operate efficiently and communicate effectively. Measures Increase in certification levels and positive evaluation feedback. Increased coverage of umpires officiating premier or regional tournament level (or equivalent) games. Programs established to deliver modules and increase certifications, mentors and trainers. Umpires access information and resources in a timely manner. Pathways Establish a pathways governance committee & terms of reference. Review and assess our current internal and external frameworks. Review grading system – assess criteria for each level Develop a pathways framework that defines the assessment and evaluation criteria for levels one to seven with an emphasis on levels one to four. Recruitment & Retention Establish a recruitment and retention working party & terms of reference. Engage our local associations to identify current practices & resources. Review current practices and formulate best practice. Develop a recruitment and retention framework. Disseminate and promote locally and nationally Training & Development Establish a training and development working party & terms of reference. Implement, monitor and evaluate the pathways framework across the national umpiring fraternity Working party to establish and maintain a mentoring / coaching and leadership development program. Working party to establish a ‘Train the Trainers program. Operational Excellence Communicate Strategic Plan to community Develop a modernized communication strategy / plan . Develop a stakeholder / partnership management plan. Increase the national staff operational team to better deliver programs, activities and services Secure administrative support at a national level. Governing Committee and Terms of Reference established by August 2016. Pathways framework completed by June 2017 and ready for implementation into the 2017/2018 season. 5% growth increase in certification for grading levels 1 – 4 from the 2017/2018 season based on the 2014/2015 datasets. Performance of the framework measured by surveying users of the framework at the completion of each season. Working party and Terms of Reference established by August 2016. Recruitment and retention framework completed by August 2017 Framework promoted locally and nationally from September 2017 5% growth increase in association umpire membership Turnover rate of umpires in the national program kept to 5% per annum Performance of the framework measured by surveying users of the framework at the completion of each season Working party and Terms of Reference established by August 2016 Pathways framework in operation for the 2017/2018 season 5% growth increase in certification at grading levels 1 – 4 from the 2017/2018 season based on the 2014/2015 datasets. All level 4, 5 and 6 umpires have a mentor assigned to them from 2017/18 season All national tournaments are staffed with two trained assessors from 2017/18 season Softball fraternity are well informed of the Strategic Plan Communication strategy in place for the 2016/2017 softball season Stakeholder / partnership management plan fully implemented by start of season 2017/2018 Softball calendar of events created and implemented prior to the beginning of each season. Members highly satisfied with services and programs by surveying our community and stakeholders at the completion of each season Administrative support secured by September 2016. Strategic Objectives and Measures Define implicit and the word portray. Is potray the right word. Is implicit applicable? Mission statement requires a towbar Courage – insert ‘taking or take”
SNZ National Umpiring Staff (NUS) Team Structure Wiremu Tamaki SNZ Umpire In Chief (UIC) Lindsay Edwards Deputy Director of Umpiring (DDU) Mark Porteous Regional Director of Umpiring Northern (RDUN) Umpire In Chief Local Associations: Northland North Harbour Auckland Counties Manukau Waikato Western Bay of Plenty Rotorua (7) Kevin Gorman Assistant Regional Director of Umpiring (ARDU) Jeremy England Regional Director of Umpiring Central (RDUC) Umpire In Chief Local Associations: Tairawhiti Hawkes Bay Manawatu Taranaki Wanganui Hutt Valley Wellington (7) Gavin Shepherd Assistant Regional Director of Umpiring (ARDU) Dave Beaumont Regional Director of Umpiring Te Waipounamu Southern (RDUS) Umpire In Chief Local Associations: Tasman Marlborough Canterbury North Otago Otago Central Otago Southland (7) Rikki Thompson Assistant Regional Director of Umpiring (ARDU) Lance Brown Regional Director at Large (RDU@L)