Helping Fund Local Music Education The Pick Project Helping Fund Local Music Education
These pieces of jewelry are then sold to local community members. What is it? Local grass roots group started by 6th grader Ellie Burke at Kutz Elementary. Collect used gift cards to be recycled into bracelets, headbands, necklaces, etc. These pieces of jewelry are then sold to local community members. The money earned funds a CB Cares grant to sponsor students who can’t afford instruments, music lessons, etc.
Click on the image below for a short explanation
Collection dates will be each Friday in February in your Advisory. How can you help? During advisory, bring in your used gift cards and turn them into your advisory teacher. Your teachers will give them to Mrs. Weaver who will in turn donate them to the Pick Project. Collection dates will be each Friday in February in your Advisory.
Local Businesses Starbucks has no system in place to get rid of their used or unused gift cards. If you frequent local businesses, ask them what they do with their zero balance gift cards. If they do not have a system in place, ask them to save their unused gift cards for the Pick Project and collect on designated dates.
Further Involvement If you would like to do more than just donate your used gift cards, feel free to do the following: Volunteer to punch out picks Sell pick accessories Donate to the Pick Project If you are interested in any of the above, see Mrs. Weaver in room 322.
For more information Follow us on FaceBook: The Pick Project Instagram: @pickthepickproject Email: