7th Grade Mrs. Bethany Wallace Use technology appropriately School Year 2018-2019 7th Grade Mrs. Bethany Wallace Website: https://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/Page/59372 email: Bethany.wallace@Cabarrus.k12.nc.us The 7th grade Common Core Curriculum covers approximately 600 years of history. Students will not only focus on the historical content of these time periods, but apply concepts that repeat throughout history. 7th grade will cover the following: Unit 1: Interaction and Change, Unit 2: Revolution & Empire, Unit 3: Global Conflict, and Unit 4:The Emerging Modern World. The topics stretch from the European Renaissance to the present. 3 Ring Binder, 3 dividers, and loose leaf paper. I will help students set up their binder during week 1. A notebook check will take place at the end of each 9 weeks. Please help your child keep theirs in order. The expectation is that all work is handed in on-time. If a student makes the choice not to complete an assignment, they will receive a 0 in the gradebook until it is completed. 10 points will be taken off every day it is not turned in, up to 3 days. At this point, if it is still not turned it, the student will not receive full credit on the assignment. Students will have 3 days to complete any missed work, due to absences. Please see the school handbook for more information on excused and unexcused absences and the school wide make up work policy. If a student does not obtain the missed work until he/she returns to school they will be responsible for acquiring and completing the work. Highlighters will also be used often. Reading and annotating text is a must when analyzing historical documents. Pens, pencils, and colored pencils I will update my teacher webpage often. On this webpage students and parents can find pertinent resources, links, notes, and assignments. Internet access, at home, will be a must for certain homework assignments (ex. Projects and papers). Use technology appropriately No cheating of any kind Be on task and be prepared Respect everyone Give 100% of your effort Homework Cell Phones will not be allowed inside of the classroom Classwork Assessments
7th Grade Mrs. Bethany Wallace Parents—What’s Going On At Home? School Year 2018-2019 7th Grade Mrs. Bethany Wallace Website: https://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/Page/59372 email: Bethany.wallace@Cabarrus.k12.nc.us Parents—What’s Going On At Home? •Students should be recording their homework in their school issued agenda. Make sure you set that process up with them the first week of school. •Minimal homework will be given. I am a firm believer in the idea that students need time to “be kids” and I am fully aware that schedules are busy. Homework will given on occasion, but will not be regular. Students will be required to complete and turn in a current event assignment on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. More information will be given on this the 2nd week of school. •Establish a routine for your student upon arriving home from school. When homework is necessary, give them a quiet organized place to work, and monitor their progress. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Extra credit is designed to help students who have put forth tremendous effort, yet fallen a few points short of a grade or goal. It is not meant to pull up the grade of a student who has neglected to give their best effort. Extra credit assignments will not be given up request. However, students may earn extra credit by going above and beyond the expectations on assignments. Always go above and beyond because you never know when it will pay off. I ,____________________________(print your name), have read and understand the information contained in this syllabus. __________________________________ Student Signature __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature