Defense of the Polis Citizen-soldiers were called Hoplites; They were not professional fighters, but usually farmers. Military service therefore required leaving the farm to fight battles. They supplied there own weapons and armor. They fought battles in a military formation called a Phalanx. The Phalanx allowed the Greeks to dominate their opponents.
Greek Phalanx
The Persian Wars The Persian Empire expanded during the 6th century bce, taking control of Greek city-states in Ionia. Mainland Greeks sent ships and soldiers to aid their brothers. This led to direct conflict between Persia and the unified Greek city-states.
Persian Wars: Battles Marathon (490 BCE) Thermopylae (480 BCE) 26 miles from Athens Thermopylae (480 BCE) 300 Spartans at the Mountain pass Salamis (480 BCE) Athenian navy victorious
Consequences of the Persian Wars Athens led the defense of the Greek city-states against the Persian invasion. Its superior navy defeated the Persians at the battle of Salamis. Athens became the leader of the Delian League, an alliance created to defend the Greece from the Persians. Athens established commercial control over colonies in the Mediterranean and became rich. Profits were used to fund public projects in Athens that glorified the city-state.
Greek Trireme How did I help Athens become a great empire?
The Peloponnesian War As Athens grew in wealth and power during the Classical Age, other city states viewed it with suspicion and hostility. Eventually war broke out between Athens and Sparta (and their allies) This Peloponnesian war lasted two decades. Athens was eventually crushed by its enemies. The long period of fighting left all of the Greek city-states very weak.