BCM208 Metabolic Biochemistry Dr Chris Blanchard Dr Dennis Greer (Subject coordinator)
Function of Metabolism 1. To obtain chemical energy from solar energy or by degrading nutrients 2. To convert nutrient molecules in cell’s own molecules (eg precursors) 3. To polymerise monomeric precursors into cell components (eg proteins, lipids, nucleic acids etc) 4. Synthesise and degrade biomolecules required for specialised cellular functions
Types of Organisms Autotrophs: can use CO2 from the atmosphere as their sole source of carbon (eg photosynthetic microorganisms and higher plants) Heterotrophs: must obtain carbon from their environment in the form of complex organic molecules such as glucose (eg higher animals and most microorganisms)
Carbon Cycling Fig. 1
Nitrogen Cycle Fig. 2
What is Metabolism? The sum of enzyme-catalysed transformations of organic molecules in living cell; the sum of catabolism and anabolism Sum of intermediary steps: a metabolic pathway
Catabolism The phase of intermediary metabolism concerned with energy-yielding degradation of nutrients
Anabolism The phase of intermediary metabolism concerned with energy-requiring biosynthesis of cell components from smaller precursors
Energy relationships Fig. 3
The Big Picture Fig. 4
The role of Genes
Subject Aims Appreciate the importance of energy flow in cellular metabolism Describe the major biochemical pathways used in all cells both to extract energy from the environment and to synthesise new cellular components Understand intermediary metabolism and the interrelationships between the major metabolic pathways Describe those specialised aspects of metabolism applicable to study in the area of Wine and Food Sciences Perform common techniques such as the use of enzyme assays used in the study of metabolic pathways Understand the basic principles of gene expression and how this relates to metabolism
Topics 1. Bioenergetics (Chris Blanchard) 2. Carbohydrate metabolism (Chris Blanchard) 3. The citric acid cycle (Chris Blanchard) 4. Oxidative phosphorylation (Dennis Greer) 5. Lipid metabolism (Dennis Greer) 6. Amino Acid metabolism (Dennis Greer) 7. Gene metabolism and expression (Chris Blanchard)
Assessment Laboratory report book: 25% Mini tests: 15% End of session exam: 60% Late penalties: Marks will be deducted from practical reports at the rate of 1 mark per experiment per day late. Practical reports submitted more than one week late will not be marked.
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