Ancient Civilizations Jeopardy THE GAME
Sumerians Babylonians Farming Phoenicians Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Sumerians 100 Why were Ziggurats significant in Sumerian society? Answer
Sumerians 200 What was the treatment like for men and women in Sumer? Answer
Sumerians 300 Even though cities in Sumer shared a common culture and language they were not united under a single ruler. How did Sumerian government work? Answer
Sumerians 400 What were the significance of scribes in Sumerian society? Answer
Sumerians 500 The city of Sumer was located in Mesopotamia. What drew people to this area and allowed people to flourish as a civilization? Answer
Babylonians 100 Who was the Babylonian king that united the Babylonian Empire and developed a system of laws? Answer
Babylonians 200 Why was Hammurabi’s Code so important? Answer
Babylonians 300 How does the expression “an eye for an eye” help us to describe Hammurabi’s Code? Answer
Babylonians 400 What role did social class have on the punishments defined under Hammurabi’s Code? Answer
Babylonians 500 How did the Babylonians acquire much of their wealth? Answer
Farming 100 How does silt help to improve farming? Answer
Farming 200 What is irrigation? Answer
Farming 300 Why is Mesopotamia an ideal place for farming to develop? Answer
Farming 400 Why is flooding considered a positive thing and a negative thing for the people of Mesopotamia? Answer
Farming 500 What is the effect of a food surplus on a population? Answer
Phoenicians 100 Why were the purple snails significant to Phoenician culture? Answer
Phoenicians 200 What is the significance of the Phoenician alphabet? Answer
Phoenicians 300 How did the Phoenicians monopolize trade in the Atlantic? Answer
Phoenicians 400 Where did the Phoenicians primarily settle? Answer
Phoenicians 500 How did the Phoenicians alphabet differ from cuneiform? Answer
Vocabulary 100 What is the belief in more than one god? Answer
Vocabulary 200 Who were the Chaldeans? Answer
Vocabulary 300 What is a city-state? Answer
Vocabulary 400 What is a social hierarchy? Answer
Vocabulary 500 What was the early wedge and line shaped system of writing called? Answer
Sumerians 100 Answers The Ziggurats were believed to be a set of stairs that the gods would descend to come down to Earth
Sumerians 200 Answers Men and women were treated differently in Sumerian society. The men were usually given more important positions and the women were usually in charge of the household
Sumerians 300 Answers In Sumeria each city remained a politically independent city-state. A city state is a city that is also a separate, independent state. Each city had its own special god, or goddess, its own government, its own army, and its own king.
Sumerians 400 Answers Scribes were professional writers. They were significant because they kept records for kings and priests and allowed history to be recorded.
Sumerians 500 Answers Mesopotamia was located between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. These rivers would annually flood and deposit rich nutrients and minerals in the soil. This made the Fertile Crescent area a place where agriculture was able to develop.
Babylonians 100 Answers Hammurabi was the Babylonian king that created the Babylonian Empire
Babylonians 200 Answers Hammurabi’s Code was important because it was written down. This allowed everyone to know the laws and to know the punishments. These are also important because they are the earliest recorded laws that we have discovered.
Babylonians 300 Answers The expression roughly means that whatever you do to me I will do back to you. This was the idea that the code was based around. In other words, the punishment should fit the crime
Babylonians 400 Answers Social class was an important factor to consider when your punishment was being determined. The higher your social class the less severe your punishment should be. If you were a member of a lower social class your punishment could be very severe
Babylonians 500 Answers The Babylonians acquired much of their wealth through trading. Babylon was a crossroads of trade because of its location, though this also made it a target to be attacked.
Farming 100 Answers Silt is a mineral rich soil that helps to improve the growth of crops (makes the land ideal for farming)
Farming 200 Answers Irrigation is the process of bringing water to crops. This increases the sustainability of crops and allows you to grow even when other conditions don’t allow it, especially in a dry environment.
Farming 300 Answers Farming develops in Mesopotamia because the land is located on fertile soil between the Tigris and the Euphrates River.
Farming 400 Answers The flooding of the river provides mineral rich silt which makes the area good for farming, but it also can be a destructive force that destroys crop, livestock, and even kills people (unpredictable!).
Farming 500 Answers A food surplus allows you to have an increased population. This can let you have specialized jobs and the other components that lead to civilization.
Phoenicians 100 Answers The purple snails produced a vibrant purple dye. This allowed the Phoenicians to produce a dye that was valuable and they were able to trade this and get wealthy.
Phoenicians 200 Answers The Phoenician alphabet was far easier to learn than cuneiform. This allowed writing to be done by more people and helped to simplify trade among different people
Phoenicians 300 Answers The Phoenicians invented stories of sea monsters in the Atlantic and used these stories in order to create a monopoly of trade.
Phoenicians 400 Answers The Phoenicians primarily settled on the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea
Phoenicians 500 Answers The Phoenician alphabet had only 22 characters as compared to the thousands found in cuneiform. The Phoenician alphabet was also accessible to individuals and not just to the scribes.
Vocabulary 100 Answers This is polytheism and was a staple of early Middle Eastern religion
Vocabulary 200 Answers The Chaldeans were a group from the Syrian Desert that conquered the Assyrian empire. They rebuilt Babylon and featured the Hanging Gardens in their empire. They also became a center of astronomy and developed a calendar system and solved complex geometry problems.
Vocabulary 300 Answers A city-state is a city and the surrounding rural countryside. City-states fought for control in ancient Sumer and each gained power and prominence at different points in the history of Mesopotamia.
Vocabulary 400 Answers A social hierarchy is a social class system. It places people in a position in society that determines their power. Priests are usually placed near the top and the farmers and farmers are placed at the bottom of the pyramid in spite or their size and importance to society.
Vocabulary 500 Answers When the scribes combined symbols to make groups of wedges and lines this was known as cuneiform