Plagiarism The Do’s and Don’ts
Even superheroes cite their work...
What is plagiarism? “Plagiarism is using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information.” - “Plagiarism: What it is and how to recognize and avoid it.” Writing Tutorial Services. Bloomington: Indiana University, ___.
Why does it matter? Plagiarism is essentially stealing from someone else (stealing their ideas). Since you are not including your own work, it’s cheating. You will get a poor mark, have a message sent home, and will speak to an administrator.
What if I didn’t mean to? Unfortunately, intentions do not matter. Intentional: copying someone else’s homework, assignment, or test. Cutting and pasting from the internet and calling it your own original ideas Copying from a textbook or book and calling it your own Unintentional taking notes without adding where you got the information from paraphrasing and not saying where you got the information
What do you need to know? plagiarism is alive and well - and you don’t want to get caught plagiarizing there are serious consequences to plagiarizing it’s not that difficult to just say where you got your information from
Plagiarism and You Do say where you got your information from (name it) use your own ideas and words Don’t copy and paste use your friend’s, sibling’s, or anybody else’s work claim someone else’s work as your own
And now… a case study. Meet Captain Copyright. Designed to teach children about copyright issues by Access Canada. However it turns out, the creators of Captain Copyright had used someone else’s information WITHOUT CITING IT! Captain Copyright was shut down. Irony at its finest.
Useful Resources Purdue Owl: Son of a Citation Machine: