**Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** A Peek At The Week -In reading we are continuing to switch to our leveled reading groups. Students are participating in small group instruction and independent work time. -During math we will continue practice with number bonds and identifying the parts and whole. This week we will focus on solving problems with a missing part. Students are working on their math fluency by knowing what parts make a whole. For example knowing 5+5, 6+4, 7+3 all equal 10. -Writing time will be used on writing a story on something that each likes to do with a friend. Students will work hard to create a 4 Star story! Which includes neat handwriting, finger spaces, capitals, periods, and a neat illustration. -During our Core Knowledge time we will continue our unit on Animals and Habitats. This week students will learn about the Deciduous Forest and Rainforest habitats Homework Ideas -Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - reading homework -Tuesdays and Thursdays - math homework Mrs. Hawkins’ First Grade News September 18, 2017 ohawkins@greeleyschools.org Looking Ahead -Parent-teacher conferences are Monday, September 18th 12-8pm and Tuesday, September 19th 4-8pm -Field Day is scheduled for Friday, September 22nd **First grade will be participating in Field day in the afternoon 12:30-2:30. -The Book Fair is in the library this week. Students may shop with an adult during conference days or afterschool on the 20th and 21st until 4:00pm. -Friday, September 29th is College Spirit Day. Extra News -If you are able to volunteer at Field Day on Friday, please let me know. Mr. B is in need of volunteers to help run stations. -We need some Clorox wipes to keep our desks clean and germ free. If you are able to donate any we would really appreciate it! Specials this Week Monday- No School Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Computers Thursday- Art Friday- Field Day **Remember to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days** Reminders -Please check your child’s folder each and everyday. There are important papers and reminders we don’t want you to miss out on.