11/15/2018 Nutrition 11/15/2018
Key Nutrition Concepts and Terms 11/15/2018 Key Nutrition Concepts and Terms 11/15/2018
Food needs for: Living Woking & physical activity Growth Development 11/15/2018 Food needs for: Living Woking & physical activity Growth Development Repair cells Immunity system etc 11/15/2018
11/15/2018 Malnutrition imbalance between intake and requirement of foods and foods content can result in malnutrition 11/15/2018
11/15/2018 The Nutrients 11/15/2018
Classifications of nutrients 11/15/2018 Classifications of nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins Minerals Water 11/15/2018
Essential Nutrients Needed by the body; must be present in the diet 11/15/2018 Essential Nutrients Needed by the body; must be present in the diet Nonessential- your body can manufacture from other nutrients in the diet Requirements depend on age, sex, growth status, body size, genetics Requirements influenced by conditions like pregnancy, breastfeeding, illnesses, drug use, and others 11/15/2018
The nutrients needs for: 1. Energy Yielding &/or 11/15/2018 The nutrients needs for: 1. Energy Yielding &/or 2.Tissues building & repair &/or 3. Regulatory action 11/15/2018
11/15/2018 1. Energy Yielding: Carbohydrate Fat Protein 11/15/2018
Breakdown of nutrients for energy: 11/15/2018 Breakdown of nutrients for energy: Glucose breakdown Glycerol and Fatty Acid breakdown Amino Acid breakdown Fats Energy Carbohydrates Common Pathway Protein 11/15/2018
Energy Yielding Nutrients: 11/15/2018 Energy Yielding Nutrients: Nutrient Energy Carbohydrate 4kcal/g Protein 4kcal/g Fat 9kcal/g Alcohol (Non-nutrient) 7kcal/g When foods are broken down, they yield energy to the body. Foods contain CHO’s, protein and fat, so all of these nutrients contribute to the total calories in a food product. You can see how foods with more fat contain higher calories. This energy is used to fuel the body. All body functions rely on energy, thus nutrients to function. Vitamins and minerals don’t provide calories, but they do play support roles in the body… doing things like aiding chemical reactions or body processes. Think of this simply: The body will use all of the available energy that you ingest to perform its daily functions. This amount varies from person to person. So what does the body do with the excess energy? The body is incredibly efficient… it doesn’t waste a thing! It simply stores the energy for later use in the form of fat. … resulting in weight gain. All nutrients, including the non-nutrient alcohol, may be converted to fat and stored in the body. The energy yielding nutrients don’t just provide energy, they help rebuild body tissues, muscle, etc. A good example of this is a growing child. Nutrients are helping the child become healthy and strong as well as providing energy. In adults, nutrients are providing energy and maintaining body functions. We will talk more about this when we begin to discuss food labels. But, I want to stress the importance of the energy yielding nutrients. Begin learning these numbers…. 11/15/2018
Energy Recommendations 11/15/2018 Energy Recommendations Carbohydrate: 58% Fat: 25%- 30% Protein: 10% - 15% 11/15/2018
11/15/2018 2.Tissues building & repair: Protein ? 11/15/2018
Vitamins ,Minerals & water 11/15/2018 3.Regulatory action: Vitamins ,Minerals & water 11/15/2018
The path from Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA is NOT reversible. 11/15/2018 The path from Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA is NOT reversible. Page 211 in your text book. 11/15/2018
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Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein 11/15/2018 The nutrients: 1.Macronutrient: Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein 2.Micronutrient: Vitamins ,Minerals 11/15/2018
Malnutrition classification: 11/15/2018 Malnutrition classification: A)Causal: 1.Primery Malnutririon; imbalance dietary intake (exogenous) 2.Secondery Malnutririon; Impaired ability use (endogenous) 11/15/2018
Primary deficiency disease: 11/15/2018 Primary deficiency disease: Disease that results directly from dietary lack of a specific essential nutrient. For example, scurvy results if the diet is deficient in vitamin C; 11/15/2018
Beriberi results if the diet is deficient in thiamine. 11/15/2018 Beriberi results if the diet is deficient in thiamine. 11/15/2018
Secondary deficiency disease: 11/15/2018 Secondary deficiency disease: A disease that results from the inability of the body to use specific nutrients properly. Such inability may result from 1) failure to absorb the nutrient from the alimentary tract into the blood (e.g., malabsorption syndrome) or 2) failure to metabolize the nutrient normally after it has been absorbed (e.g., phenylketonuria). 11/15/2018
Malnutrition classification (cont.): 11/15/2018 Malnutrition classification (cont.): B) Form : 1) Overnutrition 2) Undernutrition: A; general (starvation) eg. PEM B; special -hidden malnutrition- eg. I,Fe,vit A deficiency 11/15/2018
Overnutrition: An excess of energy intake May lead to obesity, 11/15/2018 Overnutrition: An excess of energy intake May lead to obesity, putting the person at risk for chronic diseases. 11/15/2018
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High sodium diet – hypertension Lots of sweets – tooth decay 11/15/2018 High sodium diet – hypertension Lots of sweets – tooth decay Excessive alcohol – cirrhosis of liver Overweight – diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hypertension 11/15/2018
Malnutrition classification (cont.): 11/15/2018 Malnutrition classification (cont.): C) Degree: 1) mild , moderate , sever eg. Over weight , obesity & under weight 2)Store depletion , biochemical effect , Functional effect , structural effect (clinical sign ) 11/15/2018
Malnutrition classification (cont.): 11/15/2018 Malnutrition classification (cont.): D) Duration 1- Acute (under weight) 2- Chronic (stunted) E) Results 1- treatable 2- irreversible 11/15/2018
Definition of Undernutrition 11/15/2018 Definition of Undernutrition Undernutrition is the consequence of nutritional intake that does not meet nutritional needs as a result of one or more of the following. Decreased dietary intake Increased nutritional requirements Impaired ability to absorb or utilise nutrients 11/15/2018
Infection - Malnutrition Cycle 11/15/2018 Infection - Malnutrition Cycle Inadequate dietary intake Appetite loss Nutrient loss Malabsorption Altered metabolism Weight loss Growth faltering Lowered immunity Disease 11/15/2018
Malnutrition and immunity 11/15/2018 Malnutrition and immunity 11/15/2018