The CIVIL WAR- 1861 to 1865 A Clash of Armies and Ideas What did it really mean to be an AMERICAN? North- Economy based on Trade/Industry South- Economy based on agriculture (cotton, tobacco) Slavery helps to divide the nation
There were over 618,000 Military deaths during The Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln “A House divided against itself cannot stand” -- A. Lincoln Little political experience (served 1 term in the House of Representatives) Strong reputation for honesty, temperance, jokes and storytelling
Battle of Gettysburg The Battle of Gettysburg was one of the bloodiest battles of the war. After the Battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln went to the battlefield to dedicate a cemetery in honor of all those who had died. Lincoln spoke for two minutes, but his speech became very famous.
The Gettysburg Address Please turn to p. 584 of your books! Why do you think the Gettysburg address was so short? Do you think it was more impactful this way?
Literary Analysis of The Gettysburg Address On a piece of paper, identify examples for each of the following: Parallelism Antithesis
The Gettysburg Address “Liberty” is an abstract term that is defined differently for everyone. How does Lincoln define liberty? Lincoln uses the first personal plural pronoun (“we”) in the second paragraph. What is the effect of that use? Lines 9-10 use parallelism. What is the effect? What is the “unfinished work” Lincoln references (13)? Why is it unfinished? Lincoln notes that these soldiers sacrificed themselves in a devoted duty to their country. What does Lincoln hope the effect of that sacrifice will be? What is Lincoln’s tone throughout this piece? Identify diction choices that build that tone.
The Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln Speeches p. 586-589 Figurative language Structure Let's work through SOAPSTONE/analysis of this Figurative language Structure Diction Choices Tone
Praise Poem by Julia Ward Howe Using the 1909 praise poem to Lincoln, analyze figurative language, diction, tone and theme! 1.How is Lincoln characterized in this poem? 2.Why do you think 100 years later a praise poem was created?