Plate Tectonics How Plates Move.


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Presentation transcript:

Plate Tectonics How Plates Move

Theory of plate tectonics Scientists believe in the Theory of Plate Tectonics, meaning that the earths lithosphere is made up of many large pieces that are in constant, but slow, movement due to the extreme convection heat of the Mantle. There are four common types of plate movements, and all can create earthquakes. Divergent Convergent Subduction Transform

Box One : Divergent plates Divergent plates are when earths plates divide, or move away from each other, creating a gap or hole between the plates. (Draw this under your definition)

Box Two: Convergent Plates Draw this representation under your definition Convergent Plates are plates that move towards each other, pushing the lithosphere up and ‘out’, creating new land (mountains).

Box Three: Subduction Subduction occurs when one oceanic plate (heavier) slides under the (lighter) continental plate. Draw this under your definition

Box Four: Transform Transform Boundaries occur when two plates are in constant back and forth motion against each other, causing tension and breaking along their edges. Draw this under your definition