Year 13 Parents Information Evening Thursday 15th September
Linear Exams in September
Attendance 98% - excellent attendance 95% - satisfactory 90% - cause for concern Below 90% - unsatisfactory
Attendance Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
Part time work Birmingham University: Part-time work can be a positive experience offering a valuable opportunity to gain new skills. In line with other Sixth Form Centres we advise that students take on no more than 8 hours paid work in the Sixth Form Paid work should not take place during the school day Students need to strike a balance between schoolwork, leisure and paid work. If the majority of time outside school is spent working and socialising this will affect success in the Sixth Form.
Independent Study
Not going to University?
Interview preparation Interview Practice for all Year 13 (Wednesday 19th October – evening) Writing a covering letter Applying for Apprenticeships
References Written by form tutor who collates subject teachers’ comments Includes predicted grades based on legacy AS results and linear trial exams (Changes to timetables) References are closed initially
UCAS Tariff
Applying to University? Early Entry – Deadline 15 October Personal Statements to be completed by Wednesday 20th October UCAS form to be completed by Friday 2nd December
Sixth Form Web- page