The Ancient World and Homeroom: Grade 6 Amy Lebenzon Welcome! About me: UCB UCLA twins credentialed 12 years at MHS These are the units we are studying this year in history: Early humans, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Greece and Rome My main job is ready your child for high school and citizenship beyond History is wonderful way to build skills—critical thinking, writing and communication
Welcome New Families and students: 6A Eva Castano Georgia Custer Holland Goss Luke Harrison Flynn Husband Jeremy Meinhardt Aidan Park Jack Robertson
Welcome New Families and Students 6B Carlos Jison Kalia Kroeger Nicholas Mardani Matthew Margolis Noelle Mead Allison Sison Thea Winckler
A little bit about Ancient World History 6 major units Focus on themes: Geography Government Religion Daily Life For example—every unit will open with a significant geography lesson where students will analyze how geography impacted the rise of civilization in this particular area. Why did ancient civilizations tend to arise near rivers? Government—that will happen later as the societies become more organized but significant time will be spent on ancient Chinese, Greek and Roman governments Religion—students will assess the development of religion, especially in India, where we will learn about Hinduism (yoga!) and Buddhism—in China, we will study the three ancient philosophies of Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism Finally, we will mostly look at what everyday life was like for people in each region-such as the five social groups in ancient Egypt or in Sparta
Skills Reading and interacting with the text Writing, writing, writing Speaking and listening Working cooperatively and independently Using evidence Research History is wonderful way to build skills! It is critical thinking, reading, writing, examining evidence, analysis Proper citation Research paper Evaluating evidence Primary source analysis Saving and accessing their work Individual and group presentations Working in groups using google docs
The Text Interactive and student centered Text stays at school Codes for online access sent home soon-look in the planner! The Interactive Notebook One stop place for all work Checked often at first Graded 2x per trimester The most important tool we are using this year besides the text Most of the activities we are going to be doing are in this notebook It will help them stay organized, and help them review for tests Show it It will be checked almost daily at first until they get the hang of it It will be graded 2x per trimester
Grading Categories Interactive Notebook Class participation Tests/quizzes Projects— in class! Writing Completion Last trimester: Research writing Homework: some, not a lot Most of the homework will be in the Interactive Notebook and writing. When we do the research paper in the spring, there will be an increase in homework. My goal is no weekend homework and an average of about 20-25 minutes when they do have it.
6th Grade A Homeroom Working Together Middle School = An emphasis on organization, personal responsibility, effective work habits Please label everything Reusable lunch box and water bottle, labeled! Students must be in line by 7:43 When the gate closes at 3:15, all students must go to Homework Club Contact me via email to discuss concerns Thank you to our 6th grade room parents, Krista Ohannesian & Eric Donaldson
How you can help Where is the homework assignment? In the planner or on Edlio Insist your child uses the planner Insist your child utilizes the middle school binder Check Gradelink at least 1x per week Subscribe to the 6th grade page on Edlio! Please send Return to School Form after an absence Students should be in touch with their teachers when absent Find Planned Absence Request on the website How to contact me—email is best. I will get back to you within 24 hours tops.
Announcements & Upcoming Events Send a substantial snack and water everyday this week Haircuts must be done by first day of school Shoes must be black, white or navy or combination of those colors. No dress uniform Friday! After school “jam session” for new 6th graders, Thursday, August 24. Lunch provided Parent information night on iPad and outdoor education, Wednesday, September 6 at 6:00 pm Pali Institute trip dates: Sept. 18-20 Hair for boys all the same length; above top of ears, above collar and above eyes. Girls must be out of eyes and tied back.
Sample Activity You have just arrived at a campsite You see a can of trash You want to know about the people who were here before you
Trash 1. Diaper 10. red stained clothes 18. bread bag wrapper 26. soda cans 2. broken sunglasses 11. size 16 boy’s shirt, sleeve ripped 19. orange juice container 27. hot dog package 3. soda cans 12. diaper 20. egg shells 28. marshmallow bag 4. paper plates, plastic forks 13. suntan lotion 21. Empty can of camping fuel 5. aluminum foil 14. soda cans 22. gum wrappers 6. chicken bones 15. fishing line, old hooks 23. diaper 7. corn cobs 16. diaper 24. toy doll dress 8. cherry juice boxes 17. paper plates, plastic forks 25. paper plates, plastic forks 9. broken necklace
Analyze and use evidence 1. How many meals did the campers eat? 2. How many people were at the site? Ages? 3. What are three activities the people did while camping? Give evidence to support your answer.