Growth and Development of American Novel Columbus Letters were the first documented American literature. James Fenimore Cooper- first American Novelist. His novels- historical colonial period. ‘Precaution’, ‘Thy Spy’, ‘The Pilot’, ‘The Prairie’.
Growth and Development of American Novel 1) Puritanical Novels- Nathaniel Hawthorne- The Scarlet Letter Herman Melville- Moby Dick, Billy Budd
Growth and Development of American Novel 2) Novel of Adventure: Mark Twain- The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.
Growth and Development of American Novel 3) Psychological Novels: William Dean Howell- The Rise of Silas Lapham A Hazard of Fortunes Henry James- A Portrait of Lady The Ambassador
Growth and Development of American Novel 4) Modern Novelists- Experimentation-1914-45 Earnest Hemingway- The Old Man and The Sea The Sun also Rises, Farewell to Arms Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald- The Great Gatsbay, This Side of Paradise William Faulkner- The Sound and the Fury, Absalom and Absalom
Growth and Development of American Novel 5) Sociological Novels: Sinclair Lewis- Arrowsmith, Babbitt John Steinbeck- The Grapes of Wrath
Growth and Development of American Novel 6) Naturalism in Novels: Stephen Crane- A Girl of Street- story of Maggie Theodore Dreiser-An American Tragedy
Growth and Development of American Novel 7) American Novel after1945- Saul Bellow-Russian Jewish background- Chicago, Nobel Prize in 1976 Dangling Man, The Victim, The Herzog J. D. Salinger- The Catcher in the Rye
Growth and Development of American Novel 8) Black Consciousness Novels: Richard Wright- Native Son, Uncle Tom’s Children Ralph Ellison- The Invisible Man Toni Morrison- The Bluest Eye, Sula, Beloved, Songs of Solomon, Tarbaby Alice Walker- The Color Purple James Baldwin- Another Country, Nobody Knows my Name, Go tell it on the Mountain
Growth and Development of American Novel Conclusion: New trends emerge New literary Movements Stress on Realism Good Prospect