Mrs. Scala Mr. Hershberger content/uploads/2013/11/socialnetworking.png
Do you belong to a social network? logo-005.png
How many social networks do you belong to?
Do you have people following you or as friends that you dont know?
Privacy settings are there for a reason! 20you%20know%20SNS3.jpg
Do your parents know you use these social networks?
Are your parents able to access your account?
Have you ever posted something on-line, via , or in a text that you later regretted?
Have you ever been embarrassed or made fun of on-line or via text?
Once something is posted on-line it is out in the virtual world forever, even if you delete it. You Cant Take it Back Bulletin Board
Have you ever talked to someone that you didnt know on-line?
People arent always who they say they are on-line
Have you ever posted a picture or video of someone without their permission?
Do you use your phone at the dinner table?
Do you sleep with your phone next to your bed?